First Time Mule Deer



Me and my dad are heading out west for the first time ever this coming fall to hunt mule deer! A trip we have been dreaming of for awhile. We don't have any points. We are planning on a DIY and are willing to put some miles on the ole boots to get away from people. As of now we are planning on focusing on the walk in areas to get away from the atv hunters. Just wondering what areas would be best for getting away from people and having a chance at a trophy buck??? Any help would be much appreciated as we are up for anything as long as we are out of grizzly country! Thanks a bunch.
"Out West" is a very big area! And trophy muley bucks elude most experienced western hunters so boot leather alone won't likely get you one. I assume you are talking about Wyoming, but unless you have identified a unit/region to apply for and hunt, we can't be of much help.
Before you just "head out West", you probably better apply for a tag. I'm not aware of any state that a non-resident can just buy a buck tag. When you narrow down your options I'm sure you will get the help you need for some "general" information.
Sorry guys should of gave some more details. We are planning on going to Wyoming and applying in the next week here. As of now looking at Region C. Our goal is to get away from people, especially road hunters. Just looking for an area to that hard work could pay off, enjoy the country, and have a chance at a good buck. Up for suggestions though if theres better areas to get away.
Being it's your first trip, i'd be sure to put in for one of the "better" tough to draw units with your first choice and then the ones that you can draw with your second and third choices. That way, you "might" get lucky on the random and draw a great tag or at the least, get drawn where you figured to hunt anyway, but get a preference point to build points for a tougher to draw hunt in the future.

I'd also recommend that you use this first trip to learn the area and have a great time with not so much emphasis on harvesting a great trophy deer. Wy is a great state for the non-resident. It's people are generally fantastic to meet, as good as you'll find anywhere, and i just can't say enough about enjoying the experience.

Not saying that it can't happen but you will however, stand a good chance of being disappointed if your sights are set too high. A lot, A LOT, of guys are willing to hunt just as hard or harder, get back in farther than you may be and they too might not see let alone pull out a good trophy from the areas that are easy to draw.

Good luck on your trip!!
I hate to shed this kind of news on you at this late date with the application period ending in a week, but Region C is not the place to go on a DIY public land hunt! The region is mostly private land and a lot of the BLM land is either inaccessible (landlocked)or doesn't hold enough animals to make it worthwhile. It would also be very hard to get away from the crowd like you mentioned because most of the public land you can get to is accessible because it allows the use of quads. I hunted that area extensively one year and would not go back unless I had a good private ranch to hunt. I would suggest that you put in for Region Y to the west of where you are thinking about. It has tons of public land along the whole west side of it with the National Forest up in the northern part amd BLM as you go down to the southern part of the region. I don't think you will be bothered nearly as much in that area by quads either and I think for a firsttimer is the place to draw an easy tag and get your feet wet.
Region H, special. Yes it's more expensive, but you won't have to wait to collect enough points to draw.

I'd contact a few G&F people in Jackson & Pindale - this winter is shaping up to be a hard one on the deer in western Wyo.
I would also suggest you apply for a good unit first choice with a second choice being one you can for sure draw. Be very careful of eastern regions with little public ground or your trip could be a bust! Good luck and happy hunting.
My application is in for unit C. This will be my 3rd year hunting region C. Topgun is right that it is a tough unit to hunt but with a lot of planning you can be successful. I wont tell you I have shot any monsters but I have been successful each time. Last time out there were 13 of us in camp and everyone took their animals. I have seen some nice ones, just be patient. Get the BLM maps and study them from now until October. When you think you know the maps study them some more. Find the small tough to get at BLM and state lands and go there. Most hunters seem to avoid those areas because it is tricky to hunt them. You'll find that after about 3 days you'll have it all to yourself until the outfitters bring in the next group. Good luck
13 in your camp huh! I've been in smaller towns, LOL!!! How big are the bucks you guys are taking when you say everyone filled their tags?
>13 in your camp huh!
>I've been in smaller towns,
>LOL!!! How big are
>the bucks you guys are
>taking when you say everyone
>filled their tags?

We had 2 that took really nice 4x4s and 1 4x3. The rest took 3x3's and 4x4s but nothing to brag about. We don't go just for trophies. It's more of the experience than the hunt for us. Wyoming is just a great place to get away. Everyone is so relaxed and pleasant out there. This year will be a little different. Only 6 of us going this year.
Thanks! That's sort of what I thought you would say if you saw my question. I would agree that you could probably do that if you put in your time with some tough hunting in C like you mentioned. I'm trying to get one of the big boys on public land like all these guys are posting here on this website and that's why I shy away from C after that one hunt!!!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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