First time Antelope Hunt


Active Member
So I am starting to think about applying for an Antelope hunt (I never have) so I know the odds aren't great about drawing, but I at least want to start. I am thinking about applying for the Plateau hunts in Utah, Closer to where I live. Are those good areas, or would there be a better region for a first time hunter to apply for?
Not familiar with UT at all , but I can tell you this , hunting antelope is a blast ! Here in NM we have pretty good numbers and I love the antelope hunts . I haven't drawn for 2 years , but had hunted 4 years straight , so will put in here for sure but also am planning on going to WY .You may look into WY as well and theres a few guys here at MM willing to help.....NMHUNTNUTT
Down here in AZ its darn near impossible to get drawn for goats. I don't know how it is in Utah but if its anything like here, go apply in Wyoming. Your not gonna see 90" bucks but you will see TONS of animals. I think a 13" to 14" buck is a fair expectation there and you can expect to get drawn within 2-3 years depending on where you apply. If you've got a little cash you are sure to draw the first year if you put in near Gillette and pay trespass fees. Whatever you do, make sure you do it, Antelope are a BLAST to hunt and the meat is awsome! Heres on I got this year.


Thats a nice buck Donnie , is that up in WY ? I actually put in for AZ for a few years , but a new house changed that . I'll be playing the game in your state for elk for the next few years though....NM
The Plateau units may take a few years of bonus point building to draw so it's dificult to "plan a hunt" for next year or the year after if you have no assurance of drawing the tag. Those units can offer up a decent buck on ocassion, but you're far more likely to kill a representative type buck in the 12-14" category.

There are many, many antelope hunting opportunities in Wyoming and Montana that are a virtual lock for the 2006 season. Take some time to check their game and fish dept websites and search through some past posts in this forum and you should have no trouble finding a unit or two tyo apply for that will provide you an outstanding first pronghorn hunt.

Good Luck!


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