First Suspected Case of Mad Cow in U.S




Published: December 23, 2003

WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 - The federal government said this evening that the first suspected case of so-called mad cow disease had been discovered in the United States.

Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman said a single diseased Holstein cow was traced to a farm in Washington State about 40 miles southeast of Yakima. Earlier this year, Canada recorded its first case, in the western province of Alberta.

Ms. Veneman said that a single outbreak of the brain-wasting disease would represent almost no risk to people, but that it was announced out of ''an abundance of caution.'' People have died of the disease in Europe and Asia.
We remain confident in the safety of our food supply,'' Ms. Veneman said. She emphasized that unlike foot-and-mouth disease, the mad cow affliction is not spread easily.

Ms. Veneman said Agriculture Department investigators were confident that no meat from the sick animal had entered the food supply, but that they were working with food processors in Washington State to be absolutely certain.

The sick cow was detected as part of the department's continuing surveillance program, she said. A sample taken on Dec. 9 was tested twice and came back as a ''presumptive positive,'' she said. A final test will be done at a laboratory in Britain, where the disease first sprang up, but Ms. Veneman said United States scientists are confident of their findings of mad cow disease.

Mad cow disease, known also as bovine spongiform encephalopathy, is a brain-wasting sickness that first occurred in Britain in the mid-1980's. It spread to Europe and Asia, causing huge losses in the beef industry and some loss of human life, although statistically the chances of a person dying are small.
But the outbreaks in other countries were calamitous to their beef industries, and Ms. Veneman tried to avert a similar reaction in the United States, particularly as millions of people prepare for Christmas dinner that often includes, on many tables, a standing rib roast.
I plan to serve beef for my Christmas dinner,'' she said.
Ms. Veneman said that the Agriculture Department had safeguards in place since 1990 to check for mad cow disease and that 20,526 cows had been tested in 2003 in the United States. As for the Washington discovery, she said, ''This is a clear indication that our surveillance and detection program is working.''
On May 20, the corpse of an 8-year-old cow in Alberta was found with mad cow disease. Importation of Canadian beef, which accounts for 8 to 10 percent of American consumption, was stopped, sending American prices up for a time.

Ms. Veneman said further information would be posted on her agency's Web site:
Again, Right before a big meat consuming holiday!
I am sick and friggin tired of "News" coming from agenda driven liberal sources!
Yeah, There are a lot of ranchers that are going to have a pretty f-ed up X-mas this year! As if our state wasnt f-ed up enough. About the only agricultural business that was doing fairly well was the beef industry. A good chunk of our dairies have closed down due to operation costs out weighing revenue. Now this is going to mess them up even more.
P.S. F-hippies!


Life long "vagitarian"
That may be true about the holidays, that kind of news seems to get circulating in the main stream media's, but Christmas isn't traditionally a beef eaters holiday..?..I'm just not eating at Micky D's any more unless it's shicken?...

I guess the last time when we heard about the so called last outbreak up in Canada it was around the 4th of July
> Again, Right before a big
>meat consuming holiday!
> I am sick and friggin
>tired of "News" coming from
>agenda driven liberal sources!
> BFS!


Do you mean Ann Veneman, secretary of the USDA. Yeah, she was appointed by GW, and probably would not declare that grass is green without his approval. So your "liberal sources" are looking pretty right wing.

Is it a conservative agenda to have the governemt conceal important issues until they feel it is a "good time" to inform the public? Now that I think of it, I could get onboard with that - I think all bad news should be banned from release for a week prior to any holiday. Really bad news like 9/11 should be kept from me until after my death. What a fine utopia that would be.

Bad News happens everyday, you can't blame it all on the god damn liberals.

My father-in-law works at the local slaughterhouse, and I have friends that are cattle ranchers. After the Canada deal this spring, things got pretty bad for the average Joe working in the Beef industry, going to get much worse now - I hope this isn't the final straw.......
Excuse me,I was wrong about the source,However you can bet the GODDAMM liberals will run away with the story!
You think the tofu eating greenies and Peta types don't have an effect on what stories are splashed over the media?
The media loves inflamitory stories.They care less about the truth and more about selling advertising!
The facts are usually hidden to some degree fearing a panic, I just wonder how bad it truly is, as far as Ranchers and the beef industry getting hit, it seems like every industry has been hit lately the only difference is we consume beef and this has a potential to kill humans.

"Signs of the Time's"
The only way a human can die from BSE is to ingest the brain or spinal cartilige of the INFECTED animal. If you were to take the milk from that infected cow and drank it, you would NOT contract BSE. That is why a few of the asians died was because they eat the brains and parts from the spine, they conserve all parts for consumption. Since this is a dairy cow that has it, I believe that dairy products are going to take a hit in a very bad way, because of lack of knowledge.
Cows can only contract BSE the same way, by consuming the same pieces of an infected cow, from a cow being ground into a meal like bone meal or some other meal and put in the cows feed.

So unless you suck on cow brains there is no way you will die from BSE.
I dispise those tofu eating, soy milk drinking, tree hugging liberal wackos.

What about the 145 case's of MCD in Great Britain, also when you eat a T-bone what are they cutting through......the spinal cord...I disagree budy..Nor am I willing to take any chance?s with my family...

Perhaps you're a milk farmer..?.. if so I understand your concern being it was a dairy cow that was traced to the MCD?
this whole thing wouldn't have been started if the farmers wouldn't have been a bunch of idiots. If you have a cow and you see she is not acting well ask yourself, "would i eat a piece of meat that came from her?" If i had a cow that couldn't stand up on her own i could see plane as day that i would not feel safe eating a piece of meat that came from her. So i would do the smart thing and dispose of the cow myself and no one would know the better. The are problems to my philosophie, i can see that like what if this cow had offspring. would her calves be alright. maybe maybe not i still think that if you wouldn't eat the cow yourself dont sell her, simple as that.
if i got mad cow disease, how would i know? i act goofy anyways. maybe them cows that fall down are just clumsy or have an inner ear infection? i just eat mostly deer, elk, bighorn and pronghorn anyways. worryin' about gettin' cwd will make ya crazy too.

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