First Speed Goat



Shot this one in central Wyoming Friday morning. Not sure of the score, probably mid 70's. He was 14 1/2 inches long with 6 inch bases and 5 1/2 inch prongs. Thanks to all you guys that helped out with the good info!!! Very Fun Hunt!!!

Heres the one my buddy MUG shot.


Here's another one of mine.

Nice antelope, but I gotta ask... Did you field dress it with a chainsaw? What happend to that thing?
LOL yeah kinda. Not very pretty huh? Its a long story but basically I was 5 miles from camp and started to quarter it out and realized my buddy took his goat and the quad back to camp not knowing I'd shot one and I was stuck, looking at a 5 mile hike with a goat on my back. So I stopped where I was, made the hike back to camp, got my truck and camera, took some pics and loaded the goat. We were actually feild dressing his when I spotted this one.
Anybody wanna try and guess the scores???? I'm taking mine to the taxidermist tonight and I'll post the score on mine tomorrow.

Again, mine (the chainsaw buck LOL) has 6 inch bases, 5 1/2 inch prongs and is 14 1/2 inches on both sides.
I was gonna ask if ou shot im with a cannon, but I guess I'm too late, anyway nice goat, congratulations.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
I took it in to my taxidermist and he was too busy to green score it for me so I'm not sure of the score. I think if his cutters were up higher on the horn he'd be close to book but they ended up below the third mass measurement so I think it will leave him between 72" and 75". I've never scored a Lope before so maybe I'm off.

To be completely honest, I could care less what he scores. I took him cuz he was beautiful and it felt right when I took the shot. God blessed me with a beautiful animal and I'm just grateful to have been able to have a chance to hunt lopes in Wyo, what an awsome place!!!!!!

Hey that's a great buck AZWALKER! What part of 67 did you take him in? Glad you had a great hunt and if you get out this way again look me up.
Don't know why but the more I look at those pics the taller your buck gets. Are you sure he's 14 1/2"?
Well, I'm not sure. My buddy and I have never measured Antelope before and we may have done something wrong. It was a rough measurement done in the field so who knows. My taxidermist scores for SCI and he thought it might go book. I field judged it at 15 1/2 to 16" before I shot and I got pretty close. I personally love his prongs. I was really excited when I saw those up close. If we measured those right they are 5 1/2". All in all I'm very happy with my first buck and I would deffinatley take the shot again. I'll let you know when I get a true score.

nice goat my buddy just shot one in az that scored 91 5/8 net 93gross this morning

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