First Round For Selkirk Moose



My dad and i went out this weekend for the first couple days of the season, and returned home with no moose.

My dad got together with a guy a couple weeks ago that pointed him in some spots to check for that worked for him when he had the tag a few years ago, and the spots worked, minus one factor that was out of our control. the bird hunters. we set up camp in the first "hot spot", and there were fresh bird feathers, shotgun shells, and dog crap right next to camp and along the road that we hiked in on. it was just bad timing, that the grouse hunters went in their a few hours before we got there, and im pretty sure turned the moose nocturnal on us, the only moose he seen was after dark in a clearing, that turned and ran when he got within 50 yards.
There was just too much sign in there not to see any moose.

the first morning we hiked in about 3.5-4 miles, going to clearcut after clearcut and not seeing anything but tracks. then in the afternoon we hiked into a clearing that was just tore up. Rubs there were 8 feet tall on 6-8inch around trees, fresh tracks, beds, droppings, and after going through that clearing we didnt even bump a cow. hopefully they will calm down after a week or so. at least the bird hunters had good luck, the grouse were everywhere.

I took a couple pics while i was up there, here they are:

Here are a few shots of the country we were in:


the grouse were thick over there, and hard to spook, this one was about 10 feet out the truck window (sorry if the pic is small, had to do a lot of resizing)

here is a track we came across the first morning (they are .300 winn mag shells)

Good luck with the rest of your season. I hope to see some success pictures by the end of the season. Keep us updated and good luck!!!

Send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll send you some information I put together from my hunt a few years ago. I'd be curious what area you hiked through all the clearcuts compared to my notes, I can't picture anything like that (curious if I hunted it when I was there)?

Anyways, good luck and if you'd like some more info. let me know.

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