First Ram....



Got this guy on a 10 day backpack hunt in Ab. Last day to hunt and came across a band of 8 rams.There was a full curl in the band but they started to split for the hills in a mass of confusion and I had to take this guy or go home skunked,not very big but two years from now I can and will redeam...

Congrats to you on that Ram, what an awesome high country picture.
Thanks for posting and welcome aboard here at MM.

Congrats on the ram and it does look like amazing area that you were in.
Also, did you get him scored or could any of you guys rough score him? The area i put in for near my home has reasonable draw odds but thats close to the biggest i ever see in it. i was just curious if a ram that caliber would make the Pope & Young 140 inch minimum?
Thats a hell of an accomplishment. The Canadian Rockies are the roughest looking mountains I have ever been in. You showed both physical and mental toughness to take him towards the end of a ten day backpack hunt. Steep mountains, weather, and grizzlies in them there hills. Way to persevere for the lure of the curl!
Nothing like a self guided ram for a rewarding experience ... I am also a do it yourselfer from British Columbia !!!
Great looking ram in some equally great looking country. Makes me tired looking at it.
First congrat's - that is a good ram and the pictures are awesome.

You are very lucky to live in AB, I jump through amazing hoops each year just for a 50:1 chance I can drive 1,500 miles and hike into wilderness I have never seen to hunt sheep.

10 days is a heck of a trip! You earned him.
very nicely done, grn..... you are to be congratulated from all that hunt, and all that wish to hunt, sheep....thank you for the pics....again, good job..

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