First liar doesn't stand a chance!!


Very Active Member
The KSL Bull post on the Elk forum is a hoot! SO FESS UP MMers Lets hear some of the stories that you have fabricated concerning a Bucks or bulls that you have taken or seen. (don't give away any secrets) I'm first... 10 years ago (that's the first lie it was 13)My brother and I shot a nice 28" buck in CO. (2 holes) It was the biggest bodied buck I have ever seen. (that's the truth) We both agreed that the buck was taken on Texas mountain (not even close) and to this day that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Any decent buck that I have ever taken in So Utah was on Cooper Knoll. LOL
Years ago my friend caught the first spring Salmon 42 pounds on the lower Rogue River. Which on the Oregon Coast in a small town is a big deal. When interviewed by the local paper they asked where he caught it. He said, "Nelly's inlet." He didn't tell the paper Nelly's inlet is about an inch and a half from her outlet. The reported printed Nelly's inlet. My friends answering machine greeting for a month was worlds greatest fisherman. JB
Sorry Mod, (kilo) but I respectfully disagree. With some of the CRAP that shows up on the Campfire forum, I think this is more in the General Hunting genre. If others agree with you then I will repost. Happy Tuesday.
>Years ago my friend caught the
>first spring Salmon 42 pounds
>on the lower Rogue River.
>Which on the Oregon Coast
>in a small town is
>a big deal. When interviewed
>by the local paper they
>asked where he caught it.
>He said, "Nelly's inlet." He
>didn't tell the paper Nelly's
>inlet is about an inch
>and a half from her
>outlet. The reported printed Nelly's
>inlet. My friends answering machine
>greeting for a month was
>worlds greatest fisherman. JB

Thats a CLASSIC thanks for the laugh!!!!!!!!!!
This story kind of sort of fits here.

Back in the late 60s early 70s there were some hieroglyphs
of some Salmon found at the high water mark on one of the rivers in Oregon.

After much study by archeologist, and professor types,it was determined that it was an important Indian ritual site to welcome the return of the Salmon. The state of Oregon decides to put in a visitors center and a foot path down to the "hieroglyphs."

After the the grand opening of the visitors center my cousin turns in to the news paper his graded paper, from years earlier with step by step photos of himself making the "hieroglyphs" for a collage project.x(
Now he can hunt and fish all he whats, he must be a full blood.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
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