First Fawns



I talked to my brother over in Philo (Mendocino County)and he saw a pair of twins.

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
I haven't seen any fawns yet. Last year during turkey season I saw 6 fawns with 3 being triplets during the archery turkey season. I've seen a few bucks with some pretty good growth so far outside Cloverdale. One was already starting to fork the others just had the mainbeam going straight out past the ears. Surprisingly though this particular ranch is much drier than last year at this time. I thought that was odd due the amount of rain we got in the bay area and this is north.

LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 05:31AM (MST)[p]the does muxt have been chewing on the crops of hindo!!
EEL spots a 4 inch nub!! lol
at your age I would have been happy too..j/k!!)


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