A couple comments to your first post, where you tried to answer some of mine...
You and I have already spoken about this but I can do it again.
Your first question: If you dont like the program, why did WYSFW push to add 5 more tags via legislative action?
The current system us set up to empower 4 organizations; Wild Sheep Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, and North American Moose Foundation.
No it doesnt, you seem more intent on the "empowerment" of these tags. There is no sense of empowerment, its a FUND RAISER FOR WILDLIFE, where 90% of the money is returned to on the ground projects with undisputable transparency. Something that has been lacking from every branch of SFW. If you post your finacials to the level of detail that I provided, I'll gladly take that back and eat crow. Frankly, however, I could give a chit what the 10% goes to...if WYSFW wants to blow it on pizza and beer...go for it. The reason that most are OK with that is because 90% is coming back, where transparency isnt an issue, and the public can see its not spent on beer and pizza. Its all there, black and white, crystal clear for 90% of the money.
I did not like the program because it excluded WY SFW from participation.
Thats funny, I just have a question for you. Wheres your outrage over SFW keeping control of 200 tags at the expo for their exclusive use?
Secondly, If I didnt like a program, the last thing I'd ever want to do is become part of something I dont agree with. I dont lease any hunting property. I dont pay access fees. I also dont agree with shooting animals in pens, and I dont do that either.
WY SFW has never taken any tags.
So I reckon the moose permits that were raffled in Utah the last 2 years, that listed WYSFW as the seller, just showed up via a miracle? Again, if you were that fundamentally outraged about the program...why participate at all?
Your third question: Why are you taking the "first ever Bison tag?"
WY SFW did not "take" this license from anyone. WY SFW asked if Governor Mead would consider awarding a wild bison license to their organization.
Again, if you hate the program so much, why accept the license? Nobody has forced you to accept a license...ever.
Why is the such a big deal to you or anyone else?
Its a big deal because I'm not blind. I know where your next move is, and thats exactly why you've made the decision to burn down the current Gov. Tag program. To you it has nothing to do with wildlife, and thats apparentl from your rant here. You dont care about anything but the "empowerment" and because you feel WYSFW is being left the crumbs. Get over something for wildlife, just once, without having a personal agenda to see to.
Here is my question to you: Why is it okay that since the Governor's Big Game License Coalition was formed that only 4 organizations were allowed to have exclusive use of them?
Again Bob, how many people even knew about the Gov. tag program before you started slamming it? How many times have you seen the RMEF, MDF, WSF, or NAM claim how great they were because they sit on this committees? Those groups are not the ones that should, nor are they, taking credit for those tags. The people that need to be thanked are the citizens of Wyoming, in particular the hunting public, that sure as hell are giving opportunity to see this program put 90% of the money back on the ground. The hunting public is the real hero here. You've trumpeted on about how WYSFW got this new bison bill passed, BFD, the heavy lifting was done long ago...and thats a fact.
Well, I'll tell you what, Wyoming does have a new Governor and he is entitled to change the program to fit his needs, wants, desires, etc. Who are you or anyone else to dictate who gets them or determine who should be allowed to use them? The law is pretty straight forward; they are called the Governor's Complimentary licenses for a reason.
The people, in particular hunters, who choose whether or not to cast a vote for the Governor. Thats who they think they are. Many a politician better start realizing that the hook and bullet crowd vote, hunters are organizing, and they're tired of being rail-roaded. Ask Denny Rehberg how that worked out for him...throwing hunters under the bus...he's drawing unemployment for his efforts.
You are a bit self-righteous in trying to protect an exclusionary process, of which you are part, and hypocritical to say that it is okay for some groups to have this exclusive opportunity while others are told they should be content with the crumbs.
Self righteous? Until you made these posts, nobody even knew I was on the committee. Thats how it should be. I dont take any credit for this great program, none. I give to the program, I dont take a thing. I dont get compensated for mileage, my time, or my efforts in ANY way. I dont feel any sense of "empowerment", only want to see it continue into the future so that the hunting public can CLEARLY see where 90% of the money is going for their sacrifice of both opportunity and wildlife resources. They dont just deserve that, they're entitled to it.
It was never the intent of WY SFW to change anything
You really expect anyone to believe that, when you clearly say you dont like the program, that WYSFW was being vilified, and that you've mentioned over and over again how WYSFW wants to take credit for part of the Gov. tag program? Yeah...sure. If you didnt want the original program changed, dont ask for bison tags.
The projects are great.
Yes, they are, and why the program needs to be left alone, as is.
Too bad more organizations are not allowed to participate. I always thought it was competition that made America great!
To some, Bob, Wildlife isnt a competition...and its more than blatantly obvious you see it as nothing but competition, on every level.
I'm not inclined to burn down a great program and I wrongly thought you were better than to do so...I was wrong.
Nice work!
Self-serving, protectionism is harmful at best.......
Go tell that to Don and UTSFW...where they keep 200 tags for exclusive use of SFW each year. Clean up your own house first, and try leading by example, just once.