First Euromount try done



So I have been wanting to try Euromounting/Skull bleaching for a while now and finally got around to it this spring. I had a raccoon skull, porcupine skull, and a skunk skull. I took photos of my process and will post up a detailed description of how I did it one of these days but I wanted to show you my final projects and see what you all thought. I don't think that they turned out too bad. I can't wait to try it again. These pictures show the porcupine and skunk skulls finished without any coatings or paint - just 100% bone.


What ever you did, it looks like you got it right. Great Job! Hope you share your secrets.
Great job! By all means please share your method with us, as I still haven't completed my antelope euro from last year and I need to get moving on it.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-13 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]>Great job! By all means
>please share your method with
>us, as I still haven't
>completed my antelope euro from
>last year and I need
>to get moving on it.

....when you are in wyo this year topgun....wander around in the sage brush till you find a buck antelope skull.....all ready for your sheaths to be attached.....piece of cake.....and naturally cleaned and bleached white looks the best anyway...

and P.S.------that is one big fricking gopher OP

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
Very well done! I am anxious for the how to as well. I've done a couple of deer and they turned out ok but nothing as clean and pure white and natural looking as these.

Way to go

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