First Day of School!!



First day of school in this part of Westernt WA. for most. Pretty hectic. All 3 of mine are now gone. Just sent my son, who's the youngest, off to Kindergarten along with my two daughters who are now in the 2nd and 3rd grade. Very cool but kinda strange as well.

I've worked nights, Sunday through Wednesday, starting at 4pm the last 3+ years and it has worked out pretty good as far as me or the wife always around with the kids.

But now......I suddenly find myself with nothing but time until 3pm everyday. Some have said...."what are you gonna do with no kids during the day?" All I have to say is.....It's huntin' season! Couldn't have happened at a better time. Can spend Monday and Tuesdays up on the Rivers before work and come Thursday mornings....I'm gone huntin'. Speaking of which I'm leaving this Thursday for a week and a half in Montana.

Just thought I'd share. I feel like a kid on his first day of school! :) :)
Hang in there , but know , this your gettin ...Larry...enjoy em , time flys by and they grow up so fast , soak it all in every day and night...
That's cool that you get to be there in the mornings when they go and when they get home, too. When do you sleep?

This will be me in 2 years and I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what I'll do w/myself all day long, but I think I'll like it. Good luck to your kiddos in school this year.

Sleep?? I'm usually home around 2-2:30am, try to fall asleep as fast as I can, then up around 8-8:30 as they all get ready for school. Wife drops em' off on the way to work, then just like that, the house is quite. :)

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