First Big Kill????


When I was 8 I went along with my dad and family hunting deer for my first time. Dad always took us up around Heber and Woodland. As I got older I remember buying my first big game rifle. Remington 700 30-06. I was 16 and in business ready to hunt.

8 Years of tagging along with no gun, and now?? LOL something was getting smoked. Prior to this hunt I had killed small game but never had the chance to go after big game.

Opening morning we went to our spot. My brother and me hiked up to our spot. My dad and uncle hiked up a bit above us. We had some snow on the ground and it was cold. Lucky for us we put in lawn chairs from around the campfire. As me and my brother hiked up the hill with our lawn chairs I was thing wth? Chairs?

We sat for a while, then started a small fire. Not to long after a 2 point buck ran into our shooting lane. We both opened up and dropped it. To this day I have the antlers of that small azz 2 point buck...
So that's where I been screwing up,I don't pack my lawn chair with me!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I've packed some weird stuff up the mountain over the years, but I gotta admit, never a lawn chair.

The older I get the better it sounds though. Maybe even one of those full recliner ones with a cup holder.

Just poking a little fun at you Rug.:)

My first big kill was a 2 point blacktail, in 1864. My dad dropped me off along side the road and down over the mountain I went. Within a half hour I had my buck. I drug him up to the road and ran all the way back to camp, about 2 miles away. I was running with my rifle and my hands were all bloody form gutting my deer. A warden saw me and asked if I hurt myself. I said "no, I killed a buck". He offered to give me a ride back to camp but I declined. My dad was not a big fan of wardens back then, and I didn't need that.:)

So your the one leaving all the chairs all over the hills above heber?!? If I sit in one is it the same as using your ground blind or treestand??

You know it is Rug would get all butt hurt if you start using his blinds with out permission.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>I've packed some weird stuff up
>the mountain over the years,
>but I gotta admit, never
>a lawn chair.
>The older I get the better
>it sounds though. Maybe even
>one of those full recliner
>ones with a cup holder.
>Just poking a little fun at
>you Rug.:)
>My first big kill was a
>2 point blacktail, in 1864. (NOTE TO ALL - THIS IS NOT A TYPO!!!)

>My dad dropped me off
>along side the road and
>down over the mountain I
>went. Within a half hour
>I had my buck. I
>drug him up to the
>road and ran all the
>way back to camp, about
>2 miles away. I was
>running with my rifle and
>my hands were all bloody
>form gutting my deer. A
>warden saw me and asked
>if I hurt myself. I
>said "no, I killed a
>buck". He offered to give
>me a ride back to
>camp but I declined. My
>dad was not a big
>fan of wardens back then,
>and I didn't need that.:)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>My first big kill was a
>2 point blacktail, in 1864.

Damn Eel.. I knew you were old but not that old.. Did they have deer tags back then?
>My first big kill was a
>2 point blacktail, in 1864.

Ya and Eel was about 50 years old when he got his first deer too. Let's see, that would make Eel about....
I call BS, I heard from a very reliable source that eel was fighting for the confederacy at that time and couldn't possibly been deer hunting.
>I call BS, I heard from
>a very reliable source that
>eel was fighting for the
>confederacy at that time and
>couldn't possibly been deer hunting.

OK wetmule, you got me. It must have been in the fall of 1865 that I got my first big kill.:)

oops! It was dark in my computer room this morning......should have typed 1964. LOL!

You guys are cruel.:)

Now Eelgrass admits it he is older than me.....that is what happens when you keep lying about your age there....LOL GOTCHA


You responsible for the Couches I see layin around too?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-10 AT 03:58PM (MST)[p]

B_BOP I am guilty, however I left it in my trailer so it would not get wet. Your welcome to use it is another one I hauled in over 10 miles..

That pickup cab is classic!! LMAO

If your hunting blind is a old truck cab elevated up to the height of a tree stand... you might be a Redneck! :)

Mine was a whitetail doe I took with a bow and arrow, I was 13. I can still see that arrow flying perfectly and disappearing right in the sweet spot behind her shoulder.
Using Eel's time line, I killed my 1st deer in 1856, a 2X2 Blacktail with a gross score of about 40 inches.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
My first was a muley 2x3 with a rifle. A normal 2 point with a browtine taller than the rest of his rack. Pretty cool buck!

I started out big and have been working my way backwards ever since.... My first deer was shot when I was 14, a 5x5 Muley with some stickers and a 36 1/2" inside spread..... Got him at 15 yards with a 30.06...... Terry
>I started out big and have
>been working my way backwards
>ever since.... My first deer
>was shot when I was
>14, a 5x5 Muley with
>some stickers and a 36
>1/2" inside spread..... Got him
>at 15 yards with a
>30.06...... Terry

Way to start out !!!

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