First Antelope



He's not the biggest, but he is my first antelope. I harvested him in Wyoming last weekend. I thought I would share the pictures.

Great buck! Has some good prongs and i like the way his right horn hooks back from the prong.
Hey Dodger, congratulations on your first antelope. Let's hear that story. What unit were you in?
I'm leaving Friday for Wyoming and my first antelope hunt. We'll be in unit 31 outside of Casper for the whole week. Can't wait.

Congrats Matt, great looking buck and picture. Goats are really fun to hunt, glad you had a great time............ Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Thanks! I was hunting in unit 107 (Sweetwater area) between Farson and Lander. There were four of us that went. I was the only one that drew a buck tag. Opening morning, 3 of the 4 of us filled our doe tags by 9:30am. That afternoon, myself and a buddy headed to unit 107 for my buck hunt. We arrived in the area we hunted around 3:00pm and made it to a high point to glass. Before we got to the top, we spotted to bucks that were taller, but we were unable to get within range and ended back at our glassing point around 5:00pm. When we reached the top, we spotted him. My hunting partner ranged him at 334yds and with really no cover and no where to hide, I decided to make the shot. It was a great time and the people in Wyoming are some of the nicest people that I have met. It was strange hunting at 7500' without any trees around. The morning we headed home the temp was 38 degrees, which for this AZ native, felt pretty nice!
Congratulations on a successful hunt! Did you stop and get some ice cream at the store in Farson?


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