First Antelope kill



I finally drew an Oregon tag after 11 years of applying. The buck was unofficially scored at 78 4/8. Not a huge buck but a very respectable one. I was very excited about it. Hope you like the picture.
Sorry the picture never appeared i will try and get it loaded up as soon as possible. Sorry.
Get that picture up. I like seeing the Oregon goats, keep trying so I can see and congratulations. Once you have hunted antelope you don't want to wait 11 years and that is why I'm going to Wyoming for the 3rd year in a row.
I am confused. Isnt 82" a lifetime B&C buck? If you have a buck somewhere around 78" why would you not be overjoyed. That is a great buck. My best is 3" less and I am real happy off public ground............. Thanks, Allen Taylor......
I have no idea how to down load the photos that I want on there. I do everything it asks for, but the photos dont show up. If anyone has suggestions let me know. I will be gone for the weekend, so I guess no pictures untell monday. My dad just shot one today that unoffically scored 85 2/8. It is huge. The horn length is only 14 but the digger lengths are 7 and the base of both horns are over 7. Anyhow i hope i will be able to show everyone the photos sometime. Sorry.
This is me and the animal that I shot. I think the pictures should show up now.


This is the monster that my dad shot.

You damned sure weren't kidding about your Dad's goat having nice cutters! Those have to be the biggest prongs I've ever seen on a goat! Awesome. Both of them are really great animals. A hardy congrats to both of you.

Tell your old man to watch that wind drift though :D:D J/K
Might wanna point that gun a bit sideways on the big one, for the pic, though.
Looks like you guys had a great hunt , CONGRATS on some nice bucks and thanks for sharing....NMHUNTNUTT
Al I have to say is those 2 will be hard to top!! Very nice thanks for sharing.
Those are both nice goats, your dads however is a PIG. Those diggers are incredible, mass and more mass. Congratulations to both of you.
Saaaawwweeeeeeeeeet! Very nice. Your buck will make a beautiful head mount. You don't see many bucks with 7" cutters like your dad's so when you do BLAST 'EM!

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