
Long Time Member
You Ever Started a Fire Accidentally by Target Practicing/Hunting?

I've never Started one but I've always wondered why More Fires don't get Struck Up with SmokePoles!

Damn Things Throw alot of Embers Especially When Using BLACK NASTY AKA The Old Original Black Powder!

Looks Like if You Get Caught Starting a Fire You'll be Paying like this Guy:

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

He Bess, one time at the utaha frontiersman shoot I borrowed a flintlock from ol Reid R. To take a pop at the gong, missed the gong but scorched the HeII out of my beard. Reid was laughing and I was swatting at my beard.. Great memory. AFTER a while he said I should do alright on the mtnman run,specially when I have to build the fire to burn the string, he said it might be cheating tho if instead of a flint spark in char cloth I used embers from my chin wbiskers
There was a good sized fire stated near Centennial Wyoming a few years back by kids shooting tracer rounds. They were criminally charged for the fire. They actually saw the fire start, then fled because they were afraid they would be in trouble. They didn't do anything to try and put it out and never called for help...Simply left.

So, it can happen.
There was a fire started west of Susanville thirty years ago, supposedly by a kid shooting rimfire ammo, if I remember correctly. But, without wind; dense, dry grass, or a punky log, it is surprisingly hard to start a fire with just an ember or spark. I fought wild land fire for years, and saw teams like mine undoubtedly threw a lot of sparks on dry fuel, yet I never saw or heard of one kindling a fire. I have often wondered how many of the fires believed started by logging operations were started by tracked equipment moving across rocks or some other cause besides chainsaws. I don't want to hijack your thread, but would be curious to hear the observations of others.
Hey bullskin!

A Few years Back a Fire Started & A Local Hauling a D7 CAT seen the Fire & Decided to Quickly Unload the CAT & Try & Help Put the Fire out!

Before He Got To the Fire The Tracks on the CAT Struck 3 More Fires Up!

Seen it with My Own Eyes!


It does Happen!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

> He Bess, one time
>at the utaha frontiersman shoot
>I borrowed a flintlock from
>ol Reid R. To take
>a pop at the gong,
>missed the gong but scorched
>the HeII out of
>my beard. Reid was laughing
>and I was swatting at
>my beard.. Great memory. AFTER
>a while he said I
>should do alright on the
>mtnman run,specially when I have
>to build the fire to
>burn the string, he said
>it might be cheating tho
>if instead of a flint
>spark in char cloth I
>used embers from my chin

LOL Stone!

Did You Invest in your Own Flintlock?:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

Had one for a while, but it was a .32 not much good for hunting things bigger than a fox, which was the biggest thing I shot with it. Have had several cap locks over the years and never had a fire in all my shooting them. Did see a guy set some chairs on fire when he shot a can on bug spray sitting by a camp fire,with a pellet gun belive me that bug spray was high octane
I started a fire once...we were shooting steel cased 7.62 x 39.

The wind was going the right way and we stomped it out.
John 14:6
I've done a lot of shooting on public land of all types and seasons with pistols and rifles both rimfire and centerfire and only started one fire. I was using tracers in an AR-10. It was early spring so I didn't think anything would burn but I was wrong. Luckily I was able to put it out, although, I worried for a while if I was going to be able to.
I was present but not shooting and saw it happen once. I think it was fmj ammo. We were lucky and one of the guys was able to knock the fire down with some water out of a cooler. Then we got some shovels an more water and went after the smoldering hot spots.
Warm dry day so it could have ended badly.
I'll Bet the Ole Boy that Started this Fire with His Weed Burner Ain't Feelin Too Well About Now!

Last Year We didn't have Too Many Fires here in TARDville but We're Payin for it this Year!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!


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