
Very Active Member
With all this moisture I am predicting an extreme wild fire season.

Where do you guys think the biggest fires will be?
It will be the same as every year. A few big fires will burn throughout the west and you just hope its not your house of hunting spot. It will depend more on how many thunder storms we have. If there is alot of lightning there will be alot of fires, the same as every year. Their will be a few dip shets that set a few as well
I'm ready to do the firefighting gig, went thru all the training in April. My uncle left for the AZ fire in his truck yesterday and my cousin will be gone any day in his...I'm supposed to go with my cousin. I just barely got this email for my school today...

"Effective July 1, 2011, attendance at an academically related activity will be monitored for each student. Students who exceed 14 consecutive days without attendance at an academically related activity will be withdrawn from the University. Class participation requirements have not changed."

I don't think fire is an option now...[/IMG] ~Z~
A Big Fire in NM right now!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
If mother nature keeps treating CA like she has been we may not get a


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The cheat grass & foxtail is real bad in south Utardia... I'm thinking about mid July we might see some real big ones.

This photo is of the Wallow fire on the Az New Mex border... it's a big 'un.



"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
AZ,NM,TX, they are all burning up this spring. Cal shouldn't be to far behind.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
It's going to be a long fire season. It has already begun here in southern CA with small brush fires. It's just a matter of time before we see the bigger and more destructive fires later on.

More pics from the Wallow fire in Arizona. These are from my brother who is down there fighting it.

Every year is a bad fire year.

In my former life when I lived in Kali Ca. Forestry Dept. (CDF)would send out a press release in late spring, early summer, just before state budget approval, predicting a bad fire year. If it was a low moisture year, its dry and will be a bad fire year, if it was a wet year there was lots of vegatative growth and when it dries it will be a bad fire year. What a bunch of whiners.

In the SW many of the areas are fire climax plant communities, it is normal and natural fire fires to occur periodically.
Unfortunatly in many of these areas peole have built houses and losess can be devastating.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
So far the Wallow fire has burned some 311,000 acres making it the 2nd largest fire in Arizona history. The largest recorded fire was the Rodeo-Chadiski fire that burned 469,000 acres. The Wallow fire is unfortunately still burning out of control with no given time for containment.


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