Fire Pictures?



i was just wondering if anyone had any pictures of any wildfires? i have a few that i will share, but if you guys have any please post them. i would like to see them! thanks








~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
Here's a couple of a fire by my house. I took the first one thru my spotting scope and the second one as the bomber flew overhead

those are some sweet pictures!

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
Are you sure those aren't the controlled burn fires west of Ely this september? Sure look familiar to me.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-07 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]NO THOSE WEREN'T CONTROLLED! but they were about 2 years back. i remember seeing the firs smoke! Overton, did you see the moonlight fire pictures from northern Cali.? that was a huge fire!

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
I KNOW! it is so annoying! every time we take the battery out it goes through this and we are just to lazy to reset it

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
Wes, I had to duck when I saw that Borate bomber! LOL! Back when I was a forest fire fighter, it seemed I always drew night duty. One evening they woke us up and said it was too late in the day for the bombers so it was safe to attack the leading edge. So we charge up the hill. I was busy shoveling dirt on a stump that was sending up a shower of sparks when out of nowhere I hear the rumble of a plane. Too late! Before I could react he dumped his entire load right on me. All I could do was hit the dirt. I was covered with about 1/4" of pink slime!

So now, everytime I see one of those it makes me laugh!

THAT IS CRAZY! at least if the fire was to close you might of had a chance to escape!lol

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
thanks for the cool pictures and great story!

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-07 AT 09:13AM (MST)[p]Timber

Cool pictures, must have been real scary for you. Be careful not to go into potencial fire areas. To aid you I've posted a map of areas where you might encounter another wildfire.
For more information contact



Here is my photo of the Moonlight Fire. If Lassen County Times says it's theirs don't believe them, they just like to kid around.

yeah i have that picture. i have a lot from my grandparents over their but i cant get them to load:(

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-07 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]here are some more from moonlight...





~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
i have a picture of a bomber dropping fire retardant on the fire but i will have to find it. when i do i will post it it is awesome! blue sky bright red retardant... couldnt be better...

~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
here are the pictures. this is the air tanker 910. big plane for a big job! and just to make things clear these pictures are courtesy of Plumas County News.



~818j Amature Rider~
I get enough exercise pushing my luck.
how about an early Skyland fire shot, and a late, post skyland fire shot? This fire turned out to be on the front page of the paper yesterday as the most popular story for MT in 2007. I was on this fire for a while . . .


I have some better ones from when I was a firefighter, but they aren't digital. Here are a couple from a fire on one of the best mule deer units in Utah. If you recognize this location you will know if I am being serious or not.



I'm thinking NOT, but then I can't pinpoint the location...???
There are only a couple "best mule deer units in the state", and that definately isn't the Henry's???

Could be the other one...just can't get my brain to compute that first photo!!!


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