Find my Body!!


Long Time Member
Match-Game Feleno style...
Match the heads with the correct bodies and win big prizes

LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]I hope you re-post this thread on Dec 20 2012 because if the end of the world comes I will die one happy SOB!!:) Nice job F-er!!! I dont really care how they match up, just let me have them all and I will mix and match, Thanks

The photographer must have told Beckinsale to think of a LE tag for the Dutton in order her to make that slutty of a face.LOL
I like this game, I think you are being tricky with some of them!
I know I've saw that green bikini in some of your posts before...

Success is failure that tried one more time

Wiz we know you are probably not a "double fister" and I dont mean drinking:) Your drinking hand will be okay by this afternoon! LOL
Alba - Body D
Rafeal - Body F
Beckinsale - Body E
Aniston - Body A
Jolie - Body C
Simpson - Body B
Biel - Body G

Success is failure that tried one more time
Alba - Body D
Rafeal - Body C
Beckinsale - Body F
Aniston - Body A
Jolie - Body E
Simpson - Body B
Biel - Body G

I'll keep trying if this guess is wrong, see my signature!

Success is failure that tried one more time
It would be a lot easier if he changed his signature to "I'm a failure and this frickin' match game is too hard."

Okay, one more time

Alba - Body F
Rafeal - Body D
Beckinsale - Body E
Aniston - Body A
Jolie - Body C
Simpson - Body B
Biel - Body G

Success is failure that tried one more one last time...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 04:31PM (MST)[p]Great post F-dude. I would have been here sooner but I made the horrible mistake of opening manny's post bashing Mormons first.

Alba - F
Rafeal- D
Beckinsale- C
Anniston - E
Jolie - B
Simpson - G
Biel - A
I like em all and dont really care who goes where.

I think Kate may have been thinking about having slamdunks hands on her butt for that shot.
All are very nice but who needs the head?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I think I'll sit here staring for the next few minutes to bring in the new year :) in case anyone hasn't noticed in the past...I LOVE SEXY CHICKS!! A LOT!! A LOT LOT LOT!! Good post F-er!!

For those of you playing along the correct answers are as follows. Some of you may have guessed right. Thanks for playing... beats all that Manny religious crap talk going on.

Anniston - A
Simpson - B
Jolie - C
Rafael - D
E - Beckinsale - No offense to Slammy but that aint lookin to good.
Alba - F
Biel - G
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-10 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]1. is G

2. is F

3. is C

4. is A

5. is E

6. is B

7. is D

What do I win.

LOL you ass Felno you posted the awnsers while I was doing my guess, (didnt do all to well ether)


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