finaly had some luck



i've been out a lot this year with not much luck. went out to a spot with 2 buddies where i saw some good bucks a week ago that had dropped one or both sides to see if i could pick any up. well no luck for me, i found one little old 3 point but the other two guys came out with 4 for one and 7 for the other with one big 3 point. got 2 browns and one little set but the rest were a year or two old. we decided to hit the same area today and found some other guys in there so we went up the road a ways and i finaly came out with a few. nothing great but i'm just glad to find some finaly. the pic is bad (cell phone) can't find the charger for the camera. a couple of the smaller ones on top we found from the road all in the same wash the other day. i think i'm up to 9 from the road now can't wait till i get a big one from the road.

ode to the rolling boys missed a good browny down low. its alright i will keep it warm and safe. nice job on the horns.
was it a decent 4 point. about 3/4 of a mile south south of where we saw you. i saw a nice one packin one side down there on saturday. tried to track him but lost him in the rocky stuff
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-09 AT 02:24PM (MST)[p]If its the left side to a big heavy 4 I picked up the right side on saturday. I'll come by and grab my horn later today Antlerquest. I love the rules (Cuz).
Good start Feyerfighter keep it up.

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