Finally some compensation!!



Just got this e-mail...will they ever stop?

Dear Beneficiary,

Official Compensation Notice For Scammed Victims!!

This notice is to keep you informed that the Africa and European Union in
collaboration with the United Nations, during the World Economic Forum,
has decided in using this medium to apologize to all scammed victims that
were listed for this compensation exercise during the World Economic forum
held in Brussels.

From the list of beneficiaries due to be paid in this last quarter, your
name and email was next on the line forcompensation; hence you are been
informed to follow directives towards the realization of this compensation
payment exercise.

As you must know that the forum was held due to series of complaints we
received from beneficiaries who have fulfilled all obligations on their
part without receiving their due entitlement.

Both bodies handling this exercise has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) with the World Bank, United Nations and our affiliate
corresponding Bank in Europe to have all beneficiaries listed compensated
with a means of a swift card payment system without any interference or

For confirmation/verification exercise, you are hereby advice to forward
immediately the following information?s below,

Your Full Names_____________________________________
Your Complete Home Address______________________________
Your Tel/Mobile Numbers_______________________________________
Fax Number If Any_________________________________________

Lastly, you are advice to send your information's to this email address
([email protected]), in order to attend to your response in a timely

We will appreciate your immediate co-operation.

Best Regards,

Mrs. Deborah Cocklin (Secretary)
EU Information/Administrative Dept.


1 Corinthians 2:2

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