FINALLY picked up my bear rug



Just about 2 years ago I experienced my most memorable (to this day) hunting adventure ever! With no points I put in for (dare I say the best) Utah's San Juan spring bear hunt. Expecting it to take at least 6 years to even have a sniff at an actual tag, I was SHOCKED when the successful letter came. I ended up taking my first ever bear over bait on memorial day, 2009. Finally after almost 2 years, my bear is resting (comfortably) in my trophy room (yeah it's the garage...choose your battles wisely with the wifey!)LOL Actually I really like him where he is. His cape is absolutely beautiful! A chocolate body with a tan muzzle and a bit of cinnamon on his legs. His skull measures 18", he stands 6'7" from his feet to his nose, and has a wingspan of 5'9". Every time I leave or come home from work, or come in and out of the house, I get to re-live that amazing bear adventure...which brings a smile to my face and gratitude in my heart for having the fortune to enjoy such a hunt! Put this on your (huntin) bucket list boys. Every hunter should experience the thrill of "stick flippin" a big ol' bear at least once in their lives!! But after you try it once, trust me, you'll be hooked.

Memorial day 2009


This was a trail cam pic of my bear taken the day I set the bait and 9 days before I killed him. The date is correct on the pic, but the time is off.


His final resting place.


"...I got a shotgun, rifle, and a 4 wheel
drive, and a country boy can survive..."

Hank Williams Jr.
Dang , wish my garage looked that nice and clean . Great looking rug . I can see where that would be pretty cool to look at the rug as your walkin in the house .

I remember when I first brought mine home........proud time! Good for you.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Great looking Bear, That a great area to get a good bear in.
You don't get to take it into the house after the kids go to sleep even. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Congrats Matthewsman!
My boy and I are sitting on BooKoo bear points waiting for the right year.
Just curious how much time you put in that hunt. It's a long drive down there from the Front and I was wondering how feasible it was to do that without taking off all my "fall vacation" to make it happen. Any thoughts?
Nice Bear!
Hey Nate, that turned out awesome! I can't wait to draw my tag this year so we can go kill big Blondie. Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one whose mounts get shunned to the garage, although it is pretty cool to pull in every night and see them plus everyone driving by gets to enjoy them.
Hey Nate- That thing turned out awesome. I can't wait until I draw my tag and get to experience the joy and rush of it all.

So the bear in the garage actually has turned out to be pretty cool. He's the new good luck charm. My kids love it. Every day they just HAVE to go touch the bear. My 2 year old is so cute! She'll go out of her way to open the door, peek out, and YELL, "da beaw!" Then she DEMANDS that I pick her up, take her over to him so she can pet "da beaw"....hilarious. DXT & Snky, I've got my fingers crossed. Hopefully we can go run an arrow through that blondie Phil blew it on last year.

"...I got a shotgun, rifle, and a 4 wheel
drive, and a country boy can survive..."

Hank Williams Jr.

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