Finally drew a goat Colorado goat tag


Very Active Member
Well after 15 years finally drew a Goat tag G-16... This tag is for a 3rd season Billy.... I use to live close to Breckenridge but never spent much time in that specific unit... I understand it is harder to find a mature Billy in that unit than decades ago....but that is the tag I got and will do my best to make a good hunt out of it.......

Any info is greatly appreicated....

I drew that tag 6 years ago with 7 pts. Heard its gone down hill since due to over harvest. Don't really remember the names of the drainages and peaks anymore. I'd suggest studying the divisions website regarding locations of the last couple of years harvests and spend yer time scouting those areas this summer. You'll find goats...
BBB I was planning on making a trip to DOW but...can you access the kill sites online???? I looked at thier website and was not able to find anything. I have heard too that it is hard o find a mature Billy....but we will see....
Thanks Oak...that is a great link. I know when I drew my Bighorn they had actual maps with the kills sites marked at DOW. Gonna call and see if that is still available.....

Thanks for the lead

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