Finally did it...Popped the Big Question

  • Thread starter sancarloshunter
  • Start date


Well guys last night I asked my girl friedn to marry me. She said yes and we are both very excited. We had been dating for over a year and I thought that now was the best time to do it. THought I would let everyone know.
Draw out the engagement as long you can because you will find out a lot more about how she will really be like after the initial "shine: has worn off.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I'm sorry.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Well let us check her out.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they will!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-08 AT 09:00AM (MST)[p]OH don't listen to them! CONGRATS! Here's hoping she doesn't turn into Bridezilla and the wedding turns out beautiful and that you two have a long and happy life together.

BUT...I'm a girl and I want to know how you proposed.

Much congrats! I'm sure you have found a great gal.
Thanks for sharing your happy time with us too.

Are you crazy.....dont you know that marriage is punishment for shoplifting in some countries????

All joking aside, congrats to you both. I hope you have a long and happy marriage. The positives of being married will always outweigh the negatives. Best of luck!
Does she Hunt, and how does she feeling about you hunting?

If she is for it, then good luck on the marriage and many happy years together.


Congratulations, marrying my Gal was the best decision I've ever made. Go for it.

Just be sure that she does not eat any wedding cake!!!! They say it has some sort of mind/mood altering chemical that causes a rapid decrease in sex drive and ability to cope with the things (hunting and fishing) that you love so much.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Marriage is terrific if you need someone to tell you how you should live your life while they are spending all your money.
All girls want to be married. They dream of white picket fences, flower beds, decorated homes but mostly their name in the top left corner of your check book. Tried it twice sucked both times. Seen most all of my buddies get married. Its the same thing every time. "oh she is so great she likes this and she likes that, she lets me do what ever I want, she is a nympho, lada, lada, yada".
I know of no guy myself included who said, "she is a real naggin #####, hates sex, has money problems, complains all the time about everything I think I'll marry her". Yet a year or less after the marriage my buds all sit home broke ass with their naggin wife wishing they had a life and looking forward to monday so they can go back to work and get away.
Bottom line is, every woman marry's a man thinking she will change him, every man marry's a woman thinking she will never change.
Your all in love now but in six months the picture will be a little more clear. Good luck don't say nobody warned you.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Congratulations sancarlos! I think I remember seeing her with you and your Dad with a deer you got last year?

I hope you have a very happy life together.

Hey SanCarlos - that is great great news! I have been married now for 13 years and have experienced all the good and all the bad and the GOOD definitely outweighs the bad by a LOT. Don't listen to NUNYA. He will die old and alone, in a sheep camp, in the middle of winter, with nothing but coffee and cigarrettes for company. ;-)!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Congrats! I am going on 25 years this year. I expect Ploar and Nunya must have made bad decisions along the way. However sharing life with a soul mate is a great experience. Having a family, two kids now grown, taught me the true meaning of unconditional love. I am sure there are lots of sad stories out there, but I agree with the others who understand what marriage is all about! Congrats again.
Congrats ... don't listen to the loosers ... it's a journey that ain't always smooth but one you'll never regret especially when the kids start comming.

Hope you score a hot chick that gives you a set of Swarovski binos for a wedding present like that one dude.


LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-08 AT 06:37PM (MST)[p]>I expect Ploar and Nunya
>must have made bad decisions
>along the way.

Actually that was my attempt at humor. I have a great wife and have been married to her for 13 years and 2 kids. You have to love a gal who buys you a Skeeter bass boat on a whim and just last week, had a telephone pole installed at my back fenceline, overlooking 100 acres of prime coyote land for me to climb up with my treestand and hunt! Plus, any gal who would put up with me especially through my ordeal with my back is a real keeper!


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I've got kids RUS. Four girls they are great. Their mother is not great. Loser I am not. Die alone I may but I will die happy knowing I lived my life rather than lived and died to the rules set by some greedy naggin wench, broke and wishing I didn't have to go to work when I'm 60.
ROY I may die in sheep camp sleeping in my moon light pack bag under the stars using my fleece jacket for a pillow. Or I may slip and fall 300 feet while trying to find a way onto that mesa that has no man tracks looking for sheep sign. What a great way to go. I hope I do. I read a post of yours the other day ROY saying you would love to live in Wy but your wife would never go for it. Nothing like being your own man.
You keep pretending your happly married it will ease the pain.
Marriage sucks.

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
DAM polar you did get a good one.
I had to buy my own Stratos, but with no wife I have lots a time to chuck spinner baits!

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Pbear, that's not a tree stand your wife had installed on top of the telephone pole. That's a dog house!

J/K! Good to see you back Eric!

Sorry, NUNYA certianly didn't mean to offend. The looser part was a poor attempt at a joke. Sometimes it does work out. I been married to the same lady for almost 37 years. Was it always smooth? Nope but I wouldn't change a thing if I could do it over, well except some of the really stupid sh!t I did over the years.

It's an adventure SANCARLOS enjoy the ride!


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