finally baseball !!!!

THANK GOD!!!!!!!!

Anyone but those damn Yankee's!!!

I'm actually a Rockies & Diamondbacks fan....we'll see what happens!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Ditto there Slamdunk,
I read as far as stats for last year, the only offensive category the Yankees lead in 2007 was in, salaries paid :)
I'll predict that the Giants won't make the playoffs. How's that for going out on a limb?

Actually, I really hope this is the year that the Diamondbacks win it all, again. And, they have a legitimate shot at doing so.
My Braves got beat last night on a
walk off homer, but it will be a long
season, and Washington needed to win
the first game in there new stadium.
Well, I am glad it's back also. About the only sport I will watch.....I guess that would be, only sport using a ball.. smaller than a grapefruit.

The downside....I have a nephew playing for the pressure ....well you get the idea.

Otherwise...Go DIAMONDBACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, it's nice to know there's so many snake fans here on MM!!
Go Arizona!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
It should be a holiday!! You guys all cheer for the right division, but we've been Dodger's fans since the 1955 series (really). We've got a lot of young and upcoming talent...hope springs eternal, but we're hopeful.
I know. My husband is happier than a pig in poop today. He's out there in the oilfield driving around in a water truck, but he's got The Cards vs. The Rockies going right now so all is right with the world.

GO CARDS!! Pujols hit a home run in his 2nd at bat. Good start to the season.
Other than the opening day of hunt, there is no other opening day I look forward to more than opening day of baseball....and of course, my Yankees get rained out!!! AGHHH!!!!!!
Actually, I had my best "opening day" on Friday, the 29th. It wasn't an official game, but it's one that I'll remember for a long time. The Red Sox were playing the Dodgers in Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, in front of 115,000+ fans.

One if the kids who played on our summer teams up through two summers ago, Lars Anderson, is on the Lancaster Jethawks, the Red Sox high A club in the California League. Lars and a few other of their top prospects were brought to the game, and he played first base and got two at-bats against the Dodgers. He singled and later scored off of Chan Ho Park, for his first hit off of a big league pitcher. Even though it was an exhibition game, it was very cool to watch this young man whom I've known since he was 13 years old, playing in a Major Leauge Game.

If he stays healthy, I'll get to see him in many more MLB games, for many years to come.

I'll take that moment over anything my Giants did today. Go D'backs!


I guess its pretty obvious who my sons ar pulling for.....
Indians and Cubs, Thats who you are going to see in October, And the Tribe will win in 7.
Yankees?????????? Oh, that's the team Hillary "has been a fan of forever".

I thought they moved them to Elkhart Indiana. LOL
I am a Giants fan but they will lose 100 I know a little bit and I'll say Cubs win it all against the Twins(If the Twins bull pin only does a half ass job!).
It's nice to see another Giants fan out here. At least the games will be easy to get tickets for. GO GIANTS!!!

I've been a Reds fan since the days of the "Big Red Machine". They haven't given me much to get excited over for quite a few years, but I'm always hopeful. In the American League I like the Angels and the Twins.

Cincinnati Reds - 2008 World Series Champions

That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
My Giants were a little weak in pitching, hitting and fielding yesterday against the Dodgers......other than that they looked pretty good.
Getting good Giants tickets in San Francisco has been almost impossible, so we try and go on the road every year.
I hope Aurilla snaps his leg soon so he can go on the DL!
Man I wish the Giants would wake up and see the light!
HNTBIGBULLS- My buddy has a vinyl cutter. I thought about putting one on my truck, but I was afraid some unruly Yank might break out a window.
After being a hard core Giants fan for over 40 years, i'm retired. I truly loved watching the Giants and especially Barry Bonds play baseball. Yes, he had slowed down some, took a notch or two off his hustle to better stay healthy and in the line-up, but when he came to bat... hang on and look out, the man could rip tough pitching like no other!

I'm a fan looking for a team! Sign Bonds, you get me as well.
The Giants are 0-2. You can't lose them all if you don't lose the first two.:)

I've been a Giants fan since I went to watch them for the first time in 1958. Their first year in CA. I was 10 years old.

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