Film class


Long Time Member
So I've been back in school for a year now, so far and have taken what seems like a zillion writing classes, a couple math classes, philosophy...all of which required rediculously long papers and presentations which = :-(!!

Film class started last week and for the next four weeks all I have to do is watch 5 movies, including Dumb n Dumber, and write tiny paragraphs about each of them...and that's it = :)!!

Film class rocks!! Any cakewalk classes you guys remember taking in school that I might take come July and August??

I remember an English 101 class at Utah state. Had an intern chick teacher fresh outta the big apple who had never seen or been with an out west cowboy. Well long story short.....I got an a and don't speak proper English and she got to find out us MMer mountain boys ride longer than 8 seconds. Lol. Good times
im currently taking agriculture society. so far we have learned that the average age of farmers in america is 55 yrs old. thats it. basically we go over any agriculture news topics and discuss them. easiest class ive ever taken
I'll most definitely keep my eye out for the intern chick teacher fresh outta the big apple who has never seen or been with an out west cowboy!! Also I'll see if they offer an agriculture class, I was an FFA ociffer in HS so that does sound like a good one.


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