Fill in the blank


Long Time Member
You couldn't pay me enough _______

To be the catcher.... or the pitcher
To get it on with Lady Gaga. Aside from the looks she has to many sharp edges.
To go to someone's secret clubhouse.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-11 AT 09:32AM (MST)[p]The "leave my wife at the gas station" reared its ugly head on SuperBowl Sunday. Neighbors wife asked my wife if she wanted to run down to the Mini Mart to get some Coke. Of course my wife had to make a comment something along the lines "if you don't forget me there I'll go". After that the story had to be explained to everyone in attendance. Its going to the grave with me. wait around for Feleno to forget ANYTHING that has to do with his wife!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
To live in the snow

To change professions. I am a Gearhead and love my work.

To vote for Obama

To admit to CjBoz that I am the real baby daddy

To not notice beautiful Women go back to work for my Father in law...

To admit to myself that Tag is really the kids dad...:)

To allow my kids to go to the University of Texas... sorry Roy had to say ride a 16 inch saddle...

To allow whiz to pick a girl for me and hit it!!
to blow my Elk Points on a PISSCUTTER!

to shoot a Pregnant Cow Elk in December or January!

The list goes on & on!

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