fighting for public ground

Every time I look at this I want to puke. In the small likelyhood it does happen Utahs public lands would be sold off piece by piece. What a waste of tax dollars. And if it passes we all better pool our money and buy the Henries. Lol!
Everyone wants sumthin fer nuthin. Reminds me exactly of my lazy, unemployed, no-bill-paying, freeloading ex.
I doubt this works, but I believe that states should have control of their lands. That is the whole point of having individual states. Why shouldn't a state have control over its own resources?

Hunters are happy right now that they are able to hunt on all these federal lands. Well, what happens when the federal government decides that these lands are too valuable for us peasants to be on? Everybody likes federal power when it is in their favor, but it isn't so fun from the other side. It is better to have the state control land because the people (Utahns) are closer to and have more influence on the state government.

If you are worried about the state legislature selling off the lands, get involved with local politics and put local legislators feet to the fire. Try doing that to U.S. legislators and it gets a little bit harder.
I dont understand why this unconstitutional? If anything it was unconstitutional for the feds to force the state to turn these lands over for acceptance into the union. c86man3 got it right in that these lands belong to the state, why else would we have different states instead of just one big state?
Utah is not trying to get something for nothing they are trying to get back what is rightfully theres. If someone steals your car is it wrong if you try and get it back instead of buying it back from the thief?
I'm very happy to see Utah stand up and say we dont like the way your running these lands within the state.
Remeber if the feds dont have alot of land in Utah it will be alot harder for them to control the species wich inhabit it such as WOLFS and PRAIRE DOGS.
The land has never belonged to the states, quit telling lies. States should never have control period, it would be like state land in Wyoming where you get arrested for camping overnight, or Nevada where there is none left because it was long ago sold to the highest bidder . Those terrible PRAIRE DOGS oh my word, what next, Elitehoghunter,maybe you can take c86man3 with you and go hunt hogs in Texas, I really think both of you would be much happier there.
I'll take my chances with the Feds. Were it left to it's own devices, Wyoming would be a giant oil field complete with trailer parks. Don't hand the keys of a Benz to a blind man.
Who owned the land before the state joined the union piper? Why are the original states that made up the union almost all private? It was the last states that joined that got the shaft and part of joining was giving a certain portion of unoccupied land to the feds. If you'd wean yourself off the federal government tit and be a lil self reliant youd realize that the most well run organizations in america are ran by americans not federal programs that race to spend just as much and more money than they have so they can ask for more the next year to waste on bs good buddy handouts.
People like you frighten me that you think government is the answer to your problems.
Bottom line anytime that land can get closer to american citizens owning it instead of government that is land that will be better off and will make money for the state in property taxes and prob open up a few more jobs to citizens in the private sector in that area depending on what the individual does with that piece of property.
A question for those saying the feds do it better...

Who do you feel your voice carries more weight with, the Federal or State government?
The shaft? Do people get the shaft when they are snowmobiling, riding atvs, riding horses, hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, etc... on the public lands system? Are people getting the shaft when they can chase muleys on the public lands of the Greys River, the Wasatch Front, the Rubys, the Uncompahgre Plateau, the Strip, etc....? You would rather that Utah's public land looked like Chalk Creek? No public access? That is where it was heading.

You do realize the US Government owned the lands before the States came to be? Or did you miss those little things called the Louisiana Purchase, Mexican-American War, the purchase of Alaska and that little thing called "Manifest Destiny"?

Goodness, do I ever need to remind some of the luney-toons that we the people are the government?

My vote is that the guys living in the East got the shaft and some in the West are too dumb to realize how great we have it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 12:39PM (MST)[p]HogHunter your absolutley right you stated

"Bottom line anytime that land can get closer to american citizens owning it instead of government that is land that will be better off and will make money for the state in property taxes and prob open up a few more jobs to citizens in the private sector in that area depending on what the individual does with that piece of property."

Ill add this. All of you that enjoy hunting on utah's public land will have to kneel at the foot of the king who owns the land and beg to hunt on it. And will probably be told to go pound sand. I.E. private land you pay a hell of alot more to play.

I guess you have quite a stash of cash to buy a large chunk of this ground huh? Many average joes like myself that hunt it dont have the cash.

I cant believe I agree with Piper somewhat this has to be a first. I would be all for utilization of public lands to extract natural resources but absolutley oppossed to the sale of it.

C86man3 your question who do I trust more. Its equal I put very little trust state or local or federal gov. I wouldnt trust them to do the right thing with a warm cup of piss. Why? Interst groups, interest groups and one more time interest groups.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]Elite needs to go back and take a basic history lesson because he's full of s**t if he thinks the states owned the land and gave it to the Feds when they joined the Union. What a friggin joke!!! Just his username should tell everyone where he stands, LOL!
Everybody needs to ask themselves one question. Why does Utah want control over the Federal land?

I can guarantee one thing its not to benefit sportsman. There is a heck of alot better reasons. Drill it?, mine it?, nuclear waste dump? And I guarantee the best huntable land will go to the highest bidder. Utah does not have the every day citizen in their best interest. We could all argue the Feds don't have the sportsmans best interests either, but we all can still go to a National Forest and hunt, fish, and camp with little restrictions.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]I agree with ^^^^^!

That was my first question...Why does Utah want this property so badly?
I don't think the answer is going to please the hunters.
Because that highest bidder sure isn't going to just let anyone hunt that land.....For FREE!

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