Fight with Chuck E. Cheese?


OK - how many of us have went to Chuck E. Cheese for a kids b-day party and just wanted to kick the ever-living snot out of that mouse??

Come on - admit it! I know you have! I can't be the only one!

Well - apparently I am not!

"Happy Birthday son - this year for your birthday, I am going to kick Chuck E. Cheese's ass!"

Too funny!

Assault on Chuck E. Cheese mascot leads to fine
Father ripped off head piece thinking mascot had pinned his son
The Associated Press
updated 12:56 p.m. CT, Tues., March. 3, 2009
NEW BEDFORD, Mass. - A Massachusetts man has been fined $500 for assaulting a Chuck E. Cheese mouse.

Authorities say 34-year-old Trahan Pires thought the perpetually happy mascot had pinned his 11-year-old son against a video game after the boy said "Chuck" had picked him up by the arms and cornered him by a console.

Pires, of Fairhaven, ripped off the mascot's head piece, pointed a finger at the man inside and yelled at him.

The 19-year-old man in the mouse suit told police he put his arms out to get through a crowd of children trying to knock him over and never grabbed anyone. A witness agreed with that account, adding that the mascot only bumped into the boy accidentally while turning around.

Pires pleaded guilty Monday. A judge fined him after rejecting the prosecution's request for a six-month jail sentence.

Pires' family was at the children's restaurant in Dartmouth in May to celebrate his son's birthday.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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? 2009
Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
we took uor kids to chuckies one time abouut 6 years ago the kids were playing the games and having a ball me and my wife were sitting at the table when we hear ouy youngest daughter crying hystericaly we both took off running to find her and that stupid f@cking mouse was chasing her towards the front doori told that guy a thing or two and talked to the manager that was the last time we will ever set foot in that place

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