Field judging.


Long Time Member
So after getting schooled up in the shooting forum about long distance shots on big game, I'm starting to think perhaps I've been setting undue limits on myself. All the one shot kills and such I've heard about make me re-think the whole thing. Anything out to 1200 yards is childs play.

Anyway I'm gonna give 'er a go this year but was curious just how you guys field judge a 2 point buck at 1200 yards? How about distinguishing between a cow elk and a spiker at that range? I just want to be prepared that is all. ....sarcasm off.

45...I just cant get on board.

I guess I'm stupid, and old'fashioned.

I'm a 300 yard man...probably always will be...

If it works, Hit it son...

you judge them at 400 then back up to shoot.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I sneak up on them injin style and kill them in their beds. It's a tactic I had to learn because of my shooting prowness or lack of.

This is what I would imagine some of those Sniper turned Hunters do. Not myself though!!!!!!!!!!

Lets say you have a spike at 1200 yards, this is what you do,,,

1- Start off aiming a little high,, Left or right depending on the wind.

2- Have a buddy with a spotting scope or preferably a telescope to determine future shot adjustments. Remember to carry plenty of ammo, if this one gets away or is wounded just move on to the next target.

3- Once hit and downed start tracking. Now remember that this should be real easy to find, keep in mind it was only 1200 yards.

4- Once you find the animal double check to see if this is what you really thought it was. The proof will be upon first thouch and an upclose look.

5- If this meets your expectations go ahead and tag the bad boy.

6- Last but most important tell everyone about your one shot wonder kill. Whatever you do don't talk about all the other animals wounded or lost. Those type of stories will outway the success stories.

1200 yards huh? Why are all of you trying to get so close, 1200 isnt even a challenge back up to 2500 or so.
I get a kick outa some of these threads claiming i shouldn't shoot at game past a certain distance. I honestly can't remember the last buck i missed yet i see and hear of guys shooting and missing all the time, close too, multiple shots, shooting at but missing everything with horns. Guys with bows too, claiming they hit a couple but couldn't find them... Dads taking their kids and neighbors out, they miss, it's almost to be expected. Sometimes the country i happen to be in sounds as if a war i in progress. Everybody misses right?

Yet here we are, guys that sleep, live, walk, and talk hunting and shooting all the time, telling each other not to shoot a shot we're sure we can make cause it's not fair, it's too far. I get a kick outa that!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-09 AT 08:46AM (MST)[p]You just can't overstate the importance of laser guided munitions on big game.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-09 AT 01:23PM (MST)[p]1-911 I have two words for you FLOCK SHOT!!!!

When shooting at 1200 yds or more I always rapid fire into a herd or flock then tear axx cross country on my wheeler to see if I hit anything.

Field judging is much easier after you have wounded or killed as many as possible. You just tag the biggest one DUH!

Is that ethical?

I'm going to highjack my thread with yet another question. At what range is it required to put salt down you barrel to prevent meat spoilage before you can get to the animal??

And you just told me that you were not picking on me Ransom, you plick! Soon as I leave, the insults start all over again.

That salt comment sounds familiar. My younger brother and my dad used to claim I included salt in all my reloads!

I've never shot at a deer at 1200 yards but I do shoot a bit farther than most others. Like has been said, I've not missed a game animal in many years. Funny how that works....around our house, I need to (at least I DO) practice MUCH more often than the rest of the family or the neighbors I help "guide"......yet they miss when the season comes.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
.45, you should re, re, post this on the
archery forum.

Or, start on the muzz, then hit archery next week.

Long summer ahead, that'd be the way to do it..imo...

" I can't hit that from here!"

"How do you know, unless you try it?............that's why they put 20 rounds in a box"
+1 nickman wish they made the boxes bigger LOL
"I can hit that from Here" is my idea.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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