Field dressing...

ROFL OMG thats FUNNY!!!!! ralphhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOLOLOL

wonder if he will gut an elk standing down hill ever again ? LOLOLOL
MMmmmm....Broccoli milkshake


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I had that same thing happen to me but twice as much!! I was doing one of my first post-mortems (of several hundred now) on a dead fat steer at a feedyard I was working at. I didn't know to stab on the off side to let the gas out. That foamy, rotten, fermented, sour feed and chit hit me right in the chest. I had the same reaction as these guys. I laughed my ass off, the two Mexican hands I had with me they both looked at me in shock and didn't laugh. Funny stuff! Great video!!LMAO
i watched a guy try to gut an elk and hit hit the poo sack. wow tell you what that was terrible smelling. i had to take over and gut out the elk and quarter it for him. he couldnt handle the smell
that was good thanks for sharing...had to watch it a second time with my wife she almost peed her pants from laughing...then she started to gag

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