Few more Kona pcs


Long Time Member
Here is a better picture of 1911's shark. After he reeled it in he petted it and let it go.

JB competed in a beach bikini contest. He placed 10th.

JB and 1911 both tried to rescue this gal. Thought she was drowning. They didn't notice she had her life preserver on.

JB just seemed to have hard time fitting in with 1911 at first.

A bottle of tequila later they hit it off though.

Some of the kids JB tried to hang out with. Didn't fit in there either.

fireball77 was happy to see 1911 when he got home.
I just got off the phone with Gridman, one of the other guys who went, and he verified that things got way out of control when he and the other 3 morons went into town at night. I of course stayed at the lodge to protect the fishing gear and puters from the burglars (democrats).

Speaking of protecting the home. Do any of you guys remember the old Jack Benny radio programs. Specifically, the scenes where Jack would go to his vault to get some money. For those that haven't, it would have aligators, moats, alarms, booby traps, a full time guard with password and an alarm siren. That is about the setup that Rans has going on. Either crime is worse than I thought or he is a litte paranoid. One night JB gets up to take a dip or something and alarms go off. Thought it was the end of the world for a brief moment in time. :) I'm pretty sure it is some sort of witness protection program Overton is not at liberty to speak about. I did see some paper he was writing called, memoirs of me and the mafia. Not sure what that was all about. :) Here is a pic of the living room.


He had a really nice guy he claimed was a butler but he never did anything but watch tv which was odd because there were no standard cable channels....only still photography.



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