FEMA trailer formaldehyde



Now some New Orleans refuges still living in FEMA trailers ( what a stupid idea ) are claiming the formaldehyde in their free trailers is making them sick. I see a lawsuit coming, now tax payers are going to pay them for their supposed health damage because they lived off welfare in their free trailers too long. I hate to sound insensitive but how long do you live in a free trailer off the public dime before you're obligated to get off your butt and change your life? FEMA drooped the ball big time on this whole mess but there comes a point. if there's more to this story than I'm aware of and I'm ranting like 202 does somebody correct me.
I hope the formaldehyde makes them all sterile.


PS- dude, that was a well deserved rant
Now Now Brownie did a hell of a job I heard George say so even clapped for him. Of course he did later reassign him. What about the millions of dollars of ice FEMA stockpiled paid incredible storage fees on an now is giving and throwing it away. I'm not saying it's Bush fault but the management of FEMA might need some more changes.
Not just throwing the ice away. They paid a company 3.4 Million to melt the ice. Unbelievable!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-07 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]Not bad, as far as rants go...at least you didn't end it with RACK EM!

I haven't looked into it other that what I heard on the radio this afternoon. I'm really not quite sure how to feel about Katrina Victims without knowing the full story.

Brother, hold your compassion for your fellow man close to your heart, it will keep you from crossing over to the dark side.

People have bashed native americans for years, not understanding their history, struggle, and feelings of abandonement. I was hunting in Colorado years ago with a buddy who lived there. He would go on and on about the Indians, getting their government check, getting drunk, crashing their new cars, and living off the public dime.

As for 202, as long as you can manage to not contradict yourself within 2 sentences I think your fine.

As always, I hope things in your world are going well!
Actualy Dude most of these refugees were living in free homes given to them by the Government so they were doing nothing before Katrina to make a living and they are just doing what they know best now, milking the system.
Now be careful what you say, these are Democrat voters your talking about.
Good try, Louisiana like the whole south is a red state. Bush couldn't have won either election without them.
I dont think its all of Louisiana living in those trailers though. Most likely Democrats milking the system because they can.
Hello McFly you know as well as I do those refugees from the Chocolate City on the Government teet don't vote Republican. Don't act stupid Dude. If they voted Republican they would get their Jerry Curl subsidies cut. Come on Dude you know better than that.
No wait a second, you can't take the electoral votes for Bush from all the southern states then say they're dems. Alabama and Missippi are states where white people are the minority and they're red states also, there goes your theory about the make up of the dem party. go say high to your new buds, stay out of the formaldehyde fumes though, we don't want you to get sick to sue us too.
Dude quote,
"Alabama and Missippi are states where white people are the minority and they're red states also, there goes your theory about the make up of the dem party."

Dude, they may be the minority of the population but not the minority of voters. think about it.

But for once you brought something to the table that I agree with. Kick them out of the trailers if they dont like them, and let them find there own place to live.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Screwed up trailers? What else could one expect when depending on the Government to take care of you?
How long do they live in the trailers? As long as there are suckers out there that will let them. From day one they should have been oligated to work for their accomodations. Their should never be a free hand out. It makes as much sense as giving drugs to an addict. Oh, that's right they aready do that. Methadone.
The best one I've seen yet is a neighbor of my brother in-law, who is on social security disablity. His disabiliy is alcholism. Almost everyday you can watch him walk down to the corner store to buy beer...with our tax dollars.

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