Feleno's Texas Turkey


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]Feleno being an expert in the art of photo shop is also a person who delves into sarcasm and occasionally turkey hunts too, amongst other things. We spoke numerous times about getting a longbeard Rio for his wall. I told him no problem I had plenty of birds, and had one in particular I had been watching for a while. I have sent him numerous scouting pics I worked hard to get. He begged that I make sure the big "dragger" longbeard would be his. I promised him it was. Being the overworked, underpaid, die-hard turkey fanatic I am(NOT) I snuck to the roost tree and shimmied up in it one evening. With a few near death falls and numerous scratches from his 5 inch spurs I caught the salty old bird and tied a ribbon around his neck. I did this to ensure the birds safety and so the neighbors would not shoot him(which in the end I had to pay off). Due to circumstances the trip sadly had to be canceled. I wanted to share a few pics of the scouting trips made by the locals I had paid for hours of glassing and also a trail cam pic of the bird I miraculously caught on film before he flew off!!


Sneeky pic before he flew off

The crew out scouting!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-10 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]D@mn you Boz, if i had one good leg right now i'd kick your ass :)
bloody h#ll you didn't tell me that old gobbler had a ZZ Top length beard!! That's one impressive specimen you got hanging around the ranch. I appreciate the effort getting pics of him for me so I know what i'm up against when i come down. Highering the Mossback crew to watch him was going a bit to far but when you're rolling in the Texas money like you are you can afford to hire only the very best.

And there better be no validity to NV's claim!

To clarify.... the only thing I've shot behind a high fence was a porno back in the mid 80's.

Nice work Boz :)
High Fence???? WHAT????? I don't know what you are talking about!

He is a dirty old longbeard isn't he!!! The SOB gives me nightmares because he roosts about 1000 yrds from the house. Goosebumps!!

Yep F-er your right, Oil and cattle!!!

The crew said they have never traveled this far to do a guide job before until you booked them to go to Africa where the curly headed woman live!
That realy is a great Longbeard. I sure hope Stinky doesn't see this post as there may be a bidding war on that Monster. Heck, there may be a Lapua round headed that way from New Mexico right now.
B-Bop are you talking about the big green box with 4 post legs?

No its not a corn flicker, its a giant bird feeder....Hence the big gobbler under it!!! Big bird feeder = big Birds!!
>To clarify.... the only thing I've
>shot behind a high fence
>was a porno back in
>the mid 80's.

Be honest, just needed a short fence for that one...
I'll bet the picture was taken out the side of one of the camo huntin rigs where they just shoot out/off the vehicle?
So I guess in Texas they CHUM for em huh?
b-BOP when a possible new state record is up for grabs anything goes!!!:) Yeah we do use high rack smoke belchers too!! The turkeys are attracted to the exhaust from a Cummins Turbo turned all the way up!! B&C here we come!!!
you are going to get a lot of offers for that gigantic bird from guys far wealthier than i am. Please remember that 145 inch muley I got tied up here waiting for you.
F-er, Honestly some of the offers have been rather tempting!! Since I am a man of my word the offer still stands for you....except the $100,000 dollar trophy fee. Look at the bright side the birds still yours, just a little money added, No biggie! We may be able to sell the video rights and cover the trophy fee if you think you can shoot it with a sling-shot! The paper work is at the lawyers office as we speak!!

145 tied up!! Holy Shiz!! Hurry up draws!! Hurry up!!:) Now I have to find a taxi!!
I just heard the truth behind this Bird. Steroids!!! No way that could be real. This Bird was brought in from another Ranch where they use Hair Conditioner in the Feed.

I am ashamed of you so called Trophy Hunters.
I don't mind the trophy fee but if its that much I can tell ya there won't be much left for a tip.

no worries about finding you a taxidermist, I got a guy that does great work. Being the whitetail guy that you are i know you'd appreciate the detail he put into my biggest deer.

I am sending you this private message to let you know that I am VERY SERIOUS about the longbeard Rio you have on your place. As you probably know I am a trophy turkey hunter and will go to the ends of the earth for the right bird and as soon as I saw the photos of your bird I knew he was "The One"...

Please do not listen to Feleno with his claims of a 145" muley that he has staked out for you. I hate to speak badly of a fellow hunter but the fact is the truth escapes Feleno, I personally saw the buck that he speaks of and to be honest it will only score 138 11/8 on it's best day.

There is something else I feel you should be aware of that Feleno has been saying...

From one Aussie owner to another... Feleno said some very unkind things about your Aussie "Hank"... and as far as I am concerned Feleno crossed the line when he told everybody that your dog Hank was ugly...

I know Boz it's a tough pill to swallow but I thought you should know what he has been saying, Nobody should ever call another man's dog ugly... It's just not right..

LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-10 AT 07:57AM (MST)[p]Feleno, Hank wants to know if what you said is the truth!!!


Thanks 70, Much appreciated!!

Rut! She can come too, bring the "hole" squad if you want!! I will send the wife off for the weekend!

Tag- Hair conditioning steroids in the feed?? You better watch your mouth buddy if you know whats good for ya!!!LOL Does that shiz test out? I sure hope BC does not pull a hair follicle:(
LOL! That bird is right up F-Man's alley since it has no legs to run away from him with.

But I warn you guys the whole turkey hunting thing is very confusing to Feleno because the gobblers have bigger breasts than the hens....

Well Boz I felt it was some information that you needed to know. I don't want you to think for a second that I am trying to get a "in" with regards to that beautiful trophy turkey as I would never do something discredit a fellow hunter but if you decide to go a different direction concerning that beautiful, once in a lifetime, record book trophy turkey and you need a trophy hunter I could probably work you in to my schedule if for some reason Feleno can't make it.
I mean what are friends for .. right? It would be the least I could do for a friend. Let me know what you decide and be sure to give Hank a few treats for me. He sure is growing up to be a good lookin son of a gun and he's smart to.

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