Feleno on Spring Break


Some college kids with a camera recently caught our very own F-Dude on Spring Break - bet you can't guess which one he is!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just wrong Roy.

F-Dude is pretty creative and can disguise about anything. So I'm going with dude with the porn stash, but he might be under the Amish hat?? Pretty funny.

You are just jealous of my 16-year-old girlish figure aren't you, admit it. You think pink is my color?
Please re-phrase your comment you Perv!! This is a family site.

You are just jealous of my 18-year-old girlish figure aren't you, admit it. You think pink is my color?

LMAO you sickos!!!

I kinda though F-er was the Amish guy?

I am confused now? ARRGG
Feleno -

Me jealous??

Not sure how I feel about all this just yet... maybe a li.... nahhhhh! Nope - not really. Not one little bit!

Do you look good in pink?? Well - you sure fooled those college boys!!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Feleno- I never figured you as a "Prince" type of guy....but whatever works! That 'stache is pimp!!

Now who was the red cooler guy,He had to be from the Basin.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

As an old fart who only peaks under the tent, I'm really upset when I saw Feleno's name and no girls, come on you young studs you can do better than that!

Thanks for all the smiles!!!!!

Steve Cheuvront

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