Feleno come back!!


Long Time Member
Our good friend F-Dude recently went to China to show off his skills but...I guess he took the loss pretty hard :-( COME BACK F-er!!

Competitors with nimble fingers have battled it out in a bra-removing contest at Chinese shopping mall.

"Participants each had to see how quickly they could unclasp eight bras, which were worn by models on a stage in Gungzhou city.

The models - who all had their hair tied up to allow easy access to their bra fastenings - stood in a line as countless men tried their luck.

As if the men needed extra encouragement to relieve the women of their bras in record time there was a prize of 1,000 yuan for the fastest.

But the blokes were all put to shame by a woman who undid the eight bra clasps in just 21 seconds? though to be fair she's had a bit more practice than most of the men."



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