Feedback on Vortex Skyline ED



Looking for any information regarding the ED series from Vortex. I've narrowed my choices down to several spotters and would like some first-hand feedback from owners or those who might have some informed opinions. I've compared to Nikon, Cabelas, and others in that same price range, however, I've not seen the Skyline in person. I've also corresponded with Doug and am anxious for input from others. Thanks in advance!

what was doug's opinion? i am looking at possibly a swaro and wondered where the vortex fit in? will probably go swaro anyway?
I wouldn't buy any glass without looking through it first. The Vortex Skyline is a great scope-likely the best scope there is for the money, but that being said you owe it to yourself to look through one first.

Where are you located? There's likely a dealer nearby.

After posting my initial request for info I was able to visit some web sights that discussed the scope in further detail. That, along with another conversation with Doug convinced me to order one - sight unseen.

As luck would have it, the day the package arrived we were headed on a five day camping trip up into the Starkey/Desolation hunting units here in Oregon which would provide a good test for the new spotter. This is an area that during the middle of June is not uncommon to see 500-600 elk daily with a good mix of bulls and cows having calves. On this trip, Mother Nature did not disappoint me.

The Vortex Skyline 20-60/80mm ED was amazing. I was able to view elk at less than 100 yards with it and at more than a 1/2 mile clearly. Daylight comes early in Eastern Oregon this time of year and I was able to spot several nice bulls at about 4:30 am when the scope actually gathers more light than a human eye can. Same at night, as we spotted a herd of several hundred at about 20 minutes after 9 in the evening in a large meadow. I was pleased with the performance of the spotter as it fit nicely into my use.

I had a chance to set the Skyline side by side with a Zeiss 20-60/82mm on the hood of the truck with tripods and spent a considerable amount of time comparing. The owner of the Zeiss was impressed with the Skyline and we agreed that there was very little, if any, noticable difference between the two. Equally impressive was the fact that the Vortex was 1/3 the price of the Zeiss with a top-notch warranty to go with it.

In my situation, the Vortex has been a great choice. I use it nearly everyday and have been pleased with the performance. In it's price range, I feel that you'll be hardpressed to beat the value for all the features. I have no complaints and no disappointments. We'll see this fall how it continues to perform.

I've gotta put a plug in for Doug. He was helpful when answering my questions about this spotter, as well as several others I was considering. The promised arrive time, even way out here in Oregon, was right on, and the price was less than anywhere else I shopped. He even sent a Shrade Old Timer Knife as a gift. I had a great buying experience and wouldn't hesitate to call him again.

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