You were right Rug! Pretty darn funny. Though you better make sure your kids are in a safe place...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That's funny.....I had to "suspend" my FB because it was getting waaaaayyyyy to lame just as that guy said!

FYI- I've NEVER been poked so get that thought out of your head!

Ya I hear ya Wiz,,, I spend to much time playing Hold Em. I don't get into the other stuff (games). It has been good to catch up with old friends though.

Roy,,, I agree,,
Did anyone catch the part where he ripped Killerbees Grandma for posting pictures of him in his bee suit:)

LMAO Good vid!! And that is why I dont Facebook either!
LMAO! Great Video, I'm not a Face booker either, my wife is on there all the time, gonna forward the video to her. I can't believe the guy didn't make a play on Farmville!
>Did anyone catch the part where
>he ripped Killerbees Grandma for
>posting pictures of him in
>his bee suit:)
>LMAO Good vid!! And that is
>why I dont Facebook either!

Killerbee,,,LMMFAO!!! Good call!!
That why no FB for me too. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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