Favre Trouble


Long Time Member
Is this the beginning of the end? I'm not talking about football, I'm talking about Jen. At least she was hot. If it's true I am sadly disgusted. It would be nice to have one icon with a spotless image. Let's hope this turns out ok. Probably not.
what ? did Brett trip and fall and his "BOBCATBESS" poked some sweeter tang than his wife?
do tell.....link?

Is this like "Tiger trouble?"

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-10 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]it's on ESPN

it sounds to me like he sent this lady probably some text messages with naked people on it, and they are deemed "inapropriate"(sp??). uhhhhhm, doesn't everybody?

but on the flip side, it wouldn't suprize me at all if some big affair came out.
Sources say Favre has had a ongoing relationship with this lady. The last time they were together he was hoping he could go all the way but the hole closed before he could get any penetration. He then tried the end around but was denied at the goal line. Penetration in the backfield was unsuccessful. She said it was a game of inches and he didn't measure up. She was still willing to take him to the side line for a quick blow.
I wonder if that sort of thing, cheating, is a function of being around attractive women and finally falling to temptation...or is it just in them to cheat and look for the next conquest?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Sports blog Deadspin says it has received what it considers audio and photographic proof that Favre sent naked photos of himself to Jennifer Sterger.
Sterger is currently a co-host of ?The Daily Line,? a nightly sports roundup that airs on cable?s Versus network.

This was in the local paper here in Hattiesburg and Brett declined to comment on it, he says that he has his hands full with the Jets and get the timing right with his guys and thats all he would discuss.

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