

Long Time Member
Could a guy love the sport as much as he does? Is he just not willing to get out of the spotlight? The Pack offered him $20 Million to watch football from home and he is still going to play. Too bad it's for the Jets. I hate to see him go down in flames but if he loves it that much then I respect him for it. The Pack is still going to win the Superbowl. I can't blame the Packers either for letting him go. He needs to take up hunting.

I'm pretty sure Favre is a deer hunter already.
I think Favre is just a little mixed up right now. He see's all his buddies in training camp and the old urges came back. The thought of playing football under the spotlight for big money just got to him.
You are right about hunting, he should just book hunting trips for all fall long and stay away from tv and radio.

Yep... hes going to fade away much like Joe Montana did at the Chiefs.

Could we get more hall of famer to be QB's in this confernce..
Payton Manning, Tom Brady, and now Brett Favre. Gonna be interesting come real game time when the confrence starts heating up. Who will rise above? Manning and the Colts.., Brady and the sissy Patriots.., or Favre and the Jets..? Wow, that sounded really weird. Favre and the JETS??? Naaaa.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
You gotta love the guy. You can't hang em up until you want to hang em up. I understand the Packers point of view but I don't like the long haired hippy at QB for the Packers regardless. The difference I see between Favre and Montana is that Montana lost his edge in the end.

Favre had one of the best seasons last year that he's had in a long time. I am a die hard Packers fan but have come to the realization that I am more of a Brett Favre fan. I guess my Sunday ticket will be well spent watching Brett Favre and the Jets this year (never thought I'd say that). I do think the Packers could have handled it better with Favre though. I hope they don't win a game next season either. Go Jets!!! (sounds wierd)
the "JETS" problem now! serves him right!
he was the one screwing THE "team" hope he break's a leg!
I am still pissed about himming and haing!
I lived and died by Farve.... I want the team to move on and happy to see them doing so!
If you lived and died by Favre then you would think you could at least spell his name right. Packers management is a bunch of idiots. These are the same guys that said Randy Moss couldn't play either. Him himming and haing? Have you read anything about the deal? It sounds like you need to brush up on the details of what really went on.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-08 AT 12:53PM (MST)[p]Manny15.. ya, I know about Montana.. I live eat and breath football. My grandpa played at U of U. My dad played, bro's play high school ball... They like the Patriots though.. not I.
He'll also be like Emmett Smith going to the Cardnals... anyone hear about him when he left the Cowboys.. nope. Same thing gonna happen to Favre. How about Warner leaving the Rams, how's he now. Jets suck anyway. What is Favre gonna do with a team thats in the toilet anyway..., nothing. Should have just retired. This is the third team he has been with now. Sucked with the first, did good with the second, gonna bomb it with the third. Cant waite to watch him get the crap kicked out of him on prime time.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
I just want ESPN back, I am tired of Favre being the only topic all day long. I hope the Pack goes undefeated and the Jets don't win a single game. Well maybe not undefeated GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!
Mortgageman...why being a #####?
you understand what I am saying...FAVRE is now going to lose a
Iron Man Icon(now's a whiner like Jerry Rice!)and embarrass himself, family and football and the Pack management will look like geniuses!
Yo-yo-ing because you want to play is one thing but Bret keeps
putting the team on the edge because he can not make a timely decision if it would save his life..
how was his game the last 4 years?
last year was great and I was very proud to be a pack fan but the 2 or 3 before that he had not been very consistent and thrown near record setting intception numbers!
he does not know what he getting into in New York and that O-line may better now than last year but his will get hammered just because....ITS ALL NEW for him.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-08 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]Here's my guess. Packs win the big one because Rodgers actually has talent along with the rest of the team. Jets win half their games. Everybody's happy. The Pack did what was best for them and Brett got another year in to pad his stats, good and bad. I love the guy but he didn't impress me last year because he tried to do too much. The games they lost, they shouldn't have. (the bears???) The rest of the team got them one game from the sb. He will have good games and really bad ones. Do what you love though. $20 Million to not play sounds like more money than actually playing. The guy will put some azzes in the stands no matter where he goes. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Montana with the chiefs. Remember the MNF game against Montana and Elway? Montana won that one and it was exciting. Maybe this would be like your wives asking you to hang up hunting at 65 years of age. You aren't as effective but your love for it just keeps pulling you in. Too bad hunting doesn't pay well.
packers win the super bowl this year? come on rodgers is gonna be compared all season and it will sink him. oh yeah by the way i am from mn they teach you to hate the pack in preschool.
Rackmaster!!!!!!!!!!!!I couldn't agree more!

I liked the guy also and now, when he could have been ranked as one of the top 10 QB's in the history of the game, he turns into a top 10 jerk.

What we will see now, is the modern day version of Babe Ruth....didn't quit at the top of his game and will become a complete joke, wherever he plays.

He has, by his actions over the past few weeks, left a stain in the seat of his pants, for the entire sporting world to see.

Too bad, he could have walked away with honor.....now he'll finish his career as a clown.....Hell, half of all football fans are laughing at him already, not to mention the press!

I'll bet he gets knocked out by the 3rd game of the season.
>Could a guy love the sport
>as much as he does?
> Is he just not
>willing to get out of
>the spotlight? The Pack
>offered him $20 Million to
>watch football from home and
>he is still going to
>play. Too bad it's
>for the Jets. I
>hate to see him go
>down in flames but if
>he loves it that much
>then I respect him for
>it. The Pack is
>still going to win the
>Superbowl. I can't blame
>the Packers either for letting
>him go. He needs
>to take up hunting.

packs win the super bowl in your wildest dreams arron rodgers sucks to begin with put all the preesure he has had to deal with over the last month you will be lucky to make the playoffs going to the superbowl without one of your quaterbacks ever starting an nfl game good luck
So you are saying that this is going to be interesting. You guys should have watched football last year to get a jump on what is going on this year:)

A Favre has played in more consecutive games than anyone. 3rd game knock out.......not good odds. He might slip on some soap in the shower, who knows.

B Rodgers played how many games last year? Exactly how do you guys know how good or bad he really is?

C And lastly---Favre = God

Hate him or love him, he's got drive. If our hunting drive was as strong as his drive for football, we'd all kill 400" bulls every year. You guys are going to make me root for the Jets if you're not careful. Watch what Brett does on the sideline during a game when his defense is on the field. He's studying his azz off. Go Big Green!!!!
Zigga.....that was then and this is now........nobody can overcome old age in a contact sport. I don't care how much money is applied. Brett is dead meat.
I'm a Broncos fan.And for any of you who think the Packers are going anywhere near the playoffs or even the Super Bowl, come on, stop living in LA LA land, live in the NOW! Rogers may turn into a decent QB, but believe me as I went through this when Elway left and am still living in the bad dream as Cutler has not panned out to be anything near an Elway. I respect Favre and if he wants to play , than so be it, and only time will tell if he can help the Jets, but to say or even think that Rogers is a better option than Favre is absolutely crazy! As a fan , we want to win NOW, you know it and I know it. Don't hide behind writers words or organizations comments about the future , because "FANS" have the "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY" additude, we want to win today, now, this year. Nobody wants to wait and thats the truth, but when teams aren't winning , thats when words and terms such as "in the future" and next year are used.Ask Detroit fans, Cardnals fans,Miami fans if they want to wait yet another year, they will tell you if being honest that they are tired of loosing and want wins now, this year and lots of them.Lets see how the Packer fans are talking after they are at the bottom of the division,beind their hated rivels oftheBears,Vikings or even Lions.You damned well know you'd want to win, whether it be with Rogers or joebob buck wheat, and again, Favre was the better option NOW.
Rack -

I wasn't trying to be an ass. I just think that the whole Favre dilemma is caused because of both parties not just Brett Favre.

He had a very solid year last year and the Packers went further than anyone expected them to. The Packers administration doesn't have the best record in my opinion either. Look at the coaches that they have let get away. Mike Holmgren, Andy Reed, Steve Mariucci and the list goes on and on. They wouldn't take Randy Moss last year because they didn't think he could play anymore. Moss had one of the best seasons he's ever had last year with the Patriots.

I think the Packers Admin made the same mistake letting Brett Favre go. With free agency you don't get a quarterback to stick around that long. Especially someone as good as Bett Favre. Ya he's a gun slinger but that is what has got him this far. If he had a bad season last year than I could understand their point a little better.

I bet the Packers go .500 and so do the Jets. The Jets had a terrible season last year and will just get better with Brett Favre. Aaron Rodgers is going to choke and the Packers are going to have a mutiny on their hands. Only time will tell but Aaron Rodgers isn't the chosen one that's for sure.
Favre is a target. He has a big red circle on his ass saying, "Please kick my arse! I am a fool!"
He'll never survive, they are going to be gunning for him and the Jets front line cannot protect him. They don't have the man power.
I'll say it, I am a Colts fan. Peyton is the man!
I'll say this, I hate the Patriots, Brady Sucks! However, he is good.
I'll say this, Favre cannot compete with Peyton and Brady. Period.
Cowboys,? Come on, they have the curse of the Ditsy Blonde on their shoulders.
Hear about Peyton's lil bro Eli... choked in first game! Thank god the Favre saga was going on.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist

I can tell you that no one is gunning for Favre except maybe Aaron Rodgers. The Packers had a patchwork O-line last year and were able to get it done somewhat. I don't think the Jets O-line is any worse. The Packers took the heat off of Favre by running screens, draws and dump passes. I am sure the Jets are going to have to do the same if they want it to work.

As for Favre competing with Peyton:

Peyton was 12-4 last year
Brett Favre was 13-3

I know your a Colts fan but the wins speak for themselves.

BTW - I love Peyton but cannot stand Tom Brady. I am still undecided on Romo.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-08 AT 01:13PM (MST)[p]BHWAR, your a perfect example of my words, your team crazy! Nothing wrong with the passion though your blinded by the 1 Super Bowl Manning has gotten you guys. To say Brady is good , well , come on now, if we are going to compare horses to horses in this era, well by my count Brady has how many Super Bowl Rings, broke who's record????? Dude, give credit where credit is due, Brady is a BAD MOTHA! I don't like the Patriots, but I'm also mature enough to recognize one's accomplishments.Payton is very much top shelf,top notch QB, BUT so is Favre. 11 years to the playoffs, back to back Super Bowls including a Super Bowl MVP, 3 TIME NFL LEAGUE MVP, and went how far just a few months ago?????And how far did your beloved Manning get? We can argue this forever , both with valid points, heck I think John Elway is the best who ever played, but than theres Montana's career. Fact is, theres been but a handful of GREAT QB's, and in mine and many opinion, Favre is part of that group, Manning is pretty damned good too, and Tom Brady is very much a monster and is currently and will forever be known as one of the greatest to play the position.

But when Favre is spoken about , well the numbers don't lie.
How about this number: most career NFL interceptions thrown, 288. Maturity has nothing to do with it. I am not blinded either. Brady is a prick off the field, that is why I don't like him.
He will never hold a candle to Namath, Aikman, Marino, Montana, Elway, Favre, or Manning.
These other guys do work on and off the field. What has Brady done? Knocked up a Model? Whoo. Tuffy. To the horndogs, they will cheer, to normal folks, they will booo at that feat.
They gave no credit to the Giants for handing them a loss because the Giants simply out played them. All they had to say was, well, we had an off day. No congrats to the Giants. That kind of mantality does not ride well with me and others.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-08 AT 02:28PM (MST)[p]Again , we can argue till no end about Favre.Yep he has more interceptions but he has a he!! of alot more great stats, than most.If you don't like the man as a QB for whatever reason, than I respect that, we all have different opinions, but you have to understand what he has accomplished as a player on the field!

As for Brady ,what he does off the playing field has no credit as to the kind of QB he is and I believe that is what we are talking about..... He is a 3 time Super Bowl Champion!

And I do recall Brady, Bill, and a few others after the loss, offering a congrats to the Giants. It did take time but they had just lost the World Championship, of course they didn't roll out red carpet right after the game.

Manning and company have a huge void to fill, time will tell for you guys too, but now you have a better division because of Favre. Your not worried are you?
While I don't personally care for Tom Brady at all. I do realize that he is one hell of an athlete on the field. There are very few if any that have played the game better than him.

I think you left out a few of Brett Favre's accolades. I'll help you out a bit.

* Most AP NFL MVP awards: 3 (1995, 1996, 1997)[83]
* Most consecutive starts by a quarterback (NFL): 253[4] (275 including playoffs)
* Most games started by a quarterback: 253 (275 including playoffs)[84]
* Most wins by a starting quarterback (NFL) regular season career: 160[4] (Regular season record: 160-93)
* Most career passing touchdowns: 442[85][86]
* Most career passing yards: 61,655[85]
* Most career pass completions: 5,377[87][4]
* Most career pass attempts: 8,758[4][3][88]
* Most career interceptions thrown: 288[85][89]
* Most career games with at least three touchdowns: 63[48]

Favre holds the record for consecutive starts by a quarterback with 253. His streak ranks behind only defensive end Jim Marshall, who started 270 straight games[4], and punter Jeff Feagles who started and played in his 320th game at the end of the 2007 NFL season and is slated to continue his streak in 2008.

Favre is one of only 4 QBs to lead the league in TD passes 4 times. The others are Johnny Unitas, Len Dawson and Steve Young.[90]

In the playoffs, Favre stands behind only Joe Montana in pass completions, passing touchdowns, passing yards and passing attempts.

In addition, Favre owns a number of team records, having printed his name into almost every passing category in the annals of Green Bay Packers history, most recently setting the team record for consecutive completions with 20 on November 22, 2007, against the Detroit Lions.[91] With 38 "come-from-behind" 4th quarter wins & 2 more overtime victories, Brett Favre is the Green Bay Packers record holder and second only to John Elway's 47 4th quarter or OT "come-back wins", in NFL history.
Oh fidle sticks, getting teamed up on. Gee, poor little woman better just give in... hahahahahahahahahahaha.

I do care what he does off the field. Shows his character.

"I shoot at wolves, I don't dance with them." :)
Stands With A Fist
sorry bhwar but brady is waaaaaaaaaaay better than manning i can see that and i hate the pats. manning has one 1 superbowl woohoo so does trent dilfer. i do not think you can put him in the elite quaterback club yet especially can not put him with montana or elway
Mr. Rodgers is going to take the Pack to the SB and win it. Let me remind you that Brady was a "back-up" quarterback when he won his first SB. How many teams have gone through the year and had the "back-up" qb step in and win the big one? Mr. Rodgers will be just fine in the drivers seat. He has learned from the best which gives him a huge advantage.

Hmmmmmm!! I wonder if maybe just maybe Favre really likes to play football. I mean after all, he's got more money than some small country's. He'll be remembered as the greatest Packer QB for a long time.

I'm thinking Favre is the kinda guy that says "Heck I'd do this job for free it's so much fun."

what ever anyone wants to say about QB's.... however you really can't say who's the greatest with counting super bowl rings...
A few teams were playing just good enough to win but remember teams like the Pat's and green bay were only a OK team's during a mediocre season at best! or at least every other team sucked!
this year I wish everyone plays well to make up for last year!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-08 AT 02:31PM (MST)[p]BHWAR -

Just realized your a woman. Now don't I feel stupid having argued with you about football. Have a great day!!
you could'nt tell? all you had to do was sniff! sniff! sniff! the air and curl your lip!
its not late november but what the heck a does a doe! ever see a flat chested sport lady on ESPN during the game time interviews? Do we really beleive they know any thing about football?
everyone of the pretend sportcasters "females" are double "D"..

(name says it all...)

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