
it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

"Heath, Nick, Jared...there's a fire in the barn!!!"

wtf was their hot sisters' name??

SHEEEIT! 75% of the kids on here, never seen a TV western!

The Cisco Kid
Red Ryder
Have Gun, Will Travel
The Lone Ranger
Yancy Derringer
Wanted Dead or Alive
Cimarron Strip
Wyatt Earp
Wagon Train
The Lawman
Bat Masterson
The Big Valley

......lots of others I forgot, but it's makin' my brain hurt.

They made these shows when it was good to have heroes'.

You earned what you got and if you broke the law, they hung your dumb azz!

If you ran your mouth, you lost some teeth and learned a lesson.

People respected their elders, cuz Gabby Hayes, Gil Favor and Ben Cartwright, would put a boot in your azz if you didn't! They may have been corny and not "politically correct", but we were a better country for it and it's too bad they are history.
You old blue-hairs! Did they make any of those westerns in color? Those are all classics, but the best is Deadwood!
Does Hee Haw count? Hey they did wear cowboy boots and hats and sung songs about dead horses and whiskey drinkin women.
Actually, most of those TV westerns were not in color.

I liked Deadwood, but it ain't the same. See, in a one hour show, you get the plot, the crime, the trackdown and the justice. End of story. No continuing drama, no discussion on psychology, no hidden messages.

Simple message; do the right thing or suffer the consequences.

End of tonights story. Tune in next week and see how Lucas McCain deals with murderous claim jumpers!
The first western movie I ever seen was back about 1947 I think and the star was The Durango Kid...always liked his movies. Whip Wilson and Al "Lash" LaRue were the bull whip cowboys. Tim Holt and Sunset "Kit" Carson along with "Cowboy" Bob Steele, Wild Bill Hickock,The Range Rider staring Jock Mahoney and list could go on and on if my mind would work right now...lol

If you were a kid in the 50's or early 60's you had lot so of western tv shows to watch and I watched all of the ones that nickman listed. Never missed Gunsmoke, Rawhide, Wagon Train, Have gun will travel, The rifleman.

The first one I saw in color was The Virginian and it was a 90 minute show.

I remember we only had 3 channels back than and god forbid "no remotes". You actually had to get off you butt to change the channel and adjust the rabbit ears if you did not have a roof antenna.
I always enjoyed "Branded". I think that was the name of it. Wasn't there a "Ringo" show? Good times, the Old West on a 19" TV! John

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