Favorite thing on MM


So last night I was on MM. My 10 year old son came into the kitchen and said " Dad I don't get why you are always on this sight, its the same thing" as he pointed out the threads. I told him I was looking at the draw odds in Co. and laughed as I am sure he has heard his mother ask the same question.

Among other things like recieveing E-Mail, checking odds and looking at pictures to name a few what is your favorite thing about this web sight???

Rack I know you like to talk about underwear. LOL
My favorite thing is just hanging out with fellow hunters, with all the different personalities. Just when I think my life sucks I log on and see that I'm alright after all.:)

Plus I always get to laugh out loud a lot!

Everything about the site! :)

BS'ing with other hunters, info & advice about hunting, shooting, reloading, archery, gear, etc.

The hunting stories, hunting related news, jokes, Feleno posts, etc. etc.


The neverending drama....and the giggles.

There is some way funny chit on here; the stuff that is designed for a laugh and the stuff that is a hoot unintentionally.
1- Pic's and stories.

2- Seeing people cry about how unfair SFW is....

3- Marital advice threads

4- Financial advice threads

5- Archery Ethic Committe threads

6- Spike only supporters

7- People saying Utah General hunts are full of huge buck.

8- People arguing about Nascar threads

9- Zigga and T-Final offering advice in General

10- Spider bull conspiracy's theories threads

11- Draw odds are fixed conspiracy's

12- Small calibers are the best for elk threads.

NOTE: Please disregard lines 2-12
Disregard nothing!! I would say especially 2-12 otherwise this would be a really boring place.


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