
Traditional >>>------->
Football- Steelers

Basketball- Lakers

No other sports matter to me....

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
football pro-----san diego chargers been since i was 5 yrs old

baseball ---------atlanta braves same as above

basketball--------+phoenix suns

collage football-----b.s.u. broncos

1- Miami Dolphins cheerleaders
2- San Diego Chargers Cheerleaders
3- Miami Heat dancers

I truly am a Dolphin fan then a Jazz fan. I have always been a Detroit Tiger fan since I was a little dude.

It's always an adventure!!!
completesportsman- Yes I am a huge MMA fan but this post says "Team". Maybe one day there will be a "favorite fighter" post. :)

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
I've been a lifelong San Francisco GIANTS fan. I can remember sitting on my grandpa's knee whem he used to listen to his radio and Marichal was pitching, and May and McCovery were in the lineup with other Giants legends.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-11 AT 11:40PM (MST)[p]Atlanta braves

Oakland Raiders life long fan for almost twenty seven years they won the superbowl the year I was born 1984!!!


Here is proof my new born niece in my new born raiders suit this pic was taken monday!

Basketball is gay just like golf and tennis!

Pro bowling is awesome tho.
I grew up an Oakland A's fan but now we have a hometown team so the Diamondbacks are my favorite, no matter how bad they suck.
Substitute Cowboys and Cardinals above and the same is true for football.
Basketball is completely rigged and I refuse to watch or follow it.
Denver Broncos.

I hate baseball!

NBA is just a bunch of chest thumping wining and bi@#$ing showtime me me me crap that I can't stand to look at! So I watch college basketball but don't really have a team.

San Francisco Giants hands down even though I am a 49er season ticket holder. I used to have a little transistor radio with an ear bud that I kept in my desk at school. When the Giants had a weekday game in April or May I would sneak a listen when the teacher wasn't looking. The day after my wedding 36 years ago my wife and I went to a Giants doubleheader. We still travel to different cities each year to catch a Giants series.

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