Favorite Pinto bean variety


Long Time Member
Mine's Croissant, good yield, large seed size, orange hylem, and most importantly field tolerance to common bacterial blight.
Having bean soup tonight with bacon chunk and cut up hot links in it, that my favorite soup

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think it all depends on what the night holds in store. If I'm planning a leisurely time at home with the wife watching movies, snuggling and so forth, I prefer a less gassy bean like the Kodiak or Avala. However, if I've got a devilish, hell-raising night on the dockett, then, by all means the Grand Mesa Pinto is sure to pleasure my pallet!

Can't wait to get back to Dove Creek, Co...."The Pinto Bean Capital of the World". The tour of Cabigal Farms was amazing.....pinto beans are amazing.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
I've been (bean) buying "Anasazi beans" from Adobe Milling there in Dove Creek, what kind of bean is that?
Can't beat pintos with little smoked side pork and a pinch of dried chiles and cummin in a slow cooker.(don't forget the water or beer)
Steve, 'Grand Mesa' is one of my varieties, glad you like them. Dove Creek is the self proclaimed pinto bean capitol of the world. In terms of production it doesn't make the top five county wise in Colorado.

Anasazi beans are considered a Mexican landrace originating in the highlands of Mexico near Mexico City. "Anasazi" beans are a trademark of Adobe Milling so no one else can sell that landrace under the name "Anasazi". And no, they weren't found in a clay pot in some indian ruin and still germinated after hundreds of years. It makes a nice story though.
My old cruiser is the only variety I'm familar with. Me and the misses had some good times in this at the drive in till they shut it down in '03. Man I miss that car.
Have you ever tried
Just Fried Beans?
Maybe we are wasting our time Frying them twice to get refried beans. Maybe the first time will be better.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Beanman- I was completely kidding about my knowledge of the pinto bean. I did a quick google search and was able to come up with some good material! Sorry :)

Feleno- My best friend in high school drove a greay Pinto hatchback. At one time he had 2 10's and 2 15's (woofers) in the back of that car. It bumped to say the least! Nothing like bumpin' "Hey we want some p*ussy" by Too Live Crew while cruisin' the Pinto!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...

That was going through my head, does he really know about Grand Mesa or is he messin wid me?
lol on the pinto ! we had a pacer ! no big woofers just a gigantic " boom box" that took about 20 bucks worth of batteries. so funny you mentioned the two live crew. we went through two cassett tapes of that album. that and ride the lightning by metalica. used to cruise main with the pacer. those are great memories......

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