Favorite MM Plicks???????????

I don't get what "Dont feed the freakin troll" means....is that like, "don't cause problems"?

Bobcatbess and Chloriderus :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
not in order, bess, rans, rus,jb,45,lil red,triplek, tag, snort, jake,kilo,punk, sorry if i forgot anybody
My favorites are browtine and founder......hey, lol, I just noticed...."founder" and "foundher" sound nearly the same...huh, what a co-ink-i-dink

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Speaking of D13er and plicks...........:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Great way to start off the day after Christmas, you are all plicks and a few twits.

This is not going to last long.......be over before the clock chimes midnight on Dec. 31st.

And to all a Good Night!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-09 AT 10:00PM (MST)[p]After JB's wennie tuck (sex change for the unknowing)
he will be my favorite.....

TWIT..The kind of person that makes a retarded chimp look smart.

2:moron with absolutely no sense.

3:a foolish person.


LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-09 AT 00:04AM (MST)[p]Manny, likkerbee, Marcopolio, NevadaVadger to name a few.

Actually I like Sancho best.
>not in order, bess, rans, rus,jb,45,lil
>red,triplek, tag, snort, jake,kilo,punk,
>sorry if i forgot anybody

How could you leave out Roy and Fug???
Mosnar, Gilamonster8, Tag, Kilo, LesBo, TripleK, and a few others not worth mentioning lmao.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

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