Favorite Cop Shows



I'm REEEALLY bored today at work so its time for another dumb DK poll. What are some of your favorite cop shows? Back in the 80's some of mine were Miami Vice, Magnum P.I. and Simon and Simon. Anyone else bored?
I'll go with Simon & Simon too.

I remember one episode when a guy was describing the brothers to someone. He said: "One of them will fight any man in the bar for five dollars. The other one usually puts up the five dollars."
Miami Vice, COP's, and, the most graphic and violent one of all,The Andy Griffith Show :)
NYPD Blue. Dennis Franz is the best actor on TV right now IMO and his character "Sypowitz" (sp?) is a pretty dynamic character.
Law and Order is pretty damn good too especially now with ole Sen. Fred Thompson as the D.A.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-03 AT 02:46PM (MST)[p]Come on Buckspy, Miami Vice was all the rage back in its heyday... early Friday pm, must see t.v.! And great music, too. Cant you just hear that theme song running through your head, over and over? Windows rolled down, casette deck cranking for all its worth.

Boombudabadaboom, boom boom boom. Bada Boombudabadaboom, boom boom boom. Doom Da doom doomda doodoodoooomdooodooo...
Hunter (a no brainer), Miami Vice, Simon & Simon, Rockford Files Magnum PI.
Starskey and Hutch sucked, especially with that doofus, huggy bear. What kind of guy goes by the name of Huggy? Then you had a couple of dorks in highschool that thought they were real cool with the red torino and the white stripe on it............
Cmon Buckspy admit it, you watched Miami Vice. Didn't everyone? I can picture you walking around in your white suit, loafers and no socks. I think we all knew Tubbs and Crockett before we knew Boone & Crockett.....
Oh my god, the thought of BUCKSPY walking around in a white suit, pink shirt and loafers with his sunglasses propped up on his head KILLS me!

I like COPS and my favorite show was one where they were chasing this old drunk black guy down the street who was suspected of stealing a purse. When they tackled him the first words out of his mouth were "What, I didnt steal no purse!" LMAO I laughed so hard I cried.

I'll vote for Magnum P.I. (gotta support conservative actors) and The Rockford Files. But my favorite cop "shows" were the Dirty Harry series; some great one-liners from those - "Go ahead, make my day," "A man's got to know his limitations," etc.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-03 AT 11:21PM (MST)[p]An older favorite was Hunter.

I don't watch to many sitcoms but I really like Third Watch.
Jeff that is hilarious!LOL
Mike you have to come back with some kind of response on this!
I am a cop so I just watch myself. Got into a fight with two drunks last night. Took 'em both to jail. Got them both of the street (they were driving/and very poorly I might add) and where they belong. Didnt have much luck on the two homicide suspects though. Ohh well, it'll give me something to do next Tuesday when I go back to work, Brian
There is that new show (as in on TV now) w/Ricky Schroeder...NYPD Blue or somtheing or other. Well, Schroeder was given an award, a few months back, by CO DOW for somthing or other. He particpates in the Ranching for Wildlife and it is my understanding, that for the people drawn to hunt on his ranch, that he provides a guide, free of charge.
Yeah, right! Talk to the people in Grand Junction about Ricky Shroeder and his ethics...

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