Favorite Comedian?


Long Time Member
On the heels of Carlin passing away, list some of your favorites.
Jerry Seinfeld is #1 for me
Robin Williams
Richard Pryor
Carlin (early years)
Dane Cook

Some less well known
Pablo Francisco
Mitch Hedberg (a stoner that is deadpan funny)
#1 for Jerry Seinfield!!

I remember growing up listening to Bill Cosby's old stuff like "the chicken heart, go carts, blah blah blah.

Good stuff!!

>AT 01:00?PM (MST)


.....and last but certainly not least....zigger!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-08 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]George W. Bush

Richard Cheney



but seriously folks Mel Brooks, Jim Carrie, Carol Burnett, George Carlin ....

What? No Kevin James yet? What is wrong with you people?

David Spade, Rob Schneider (You can do it!), Phil Hartman

I must be a bit more twisted than you guys, my favorite is Stephen Lynch.
Carlin's "Class Clown" is a classic, my first copy was an eight track so that puts it in a time frame for you.
Thanks for the votes!

My faves are:

Brian Regen
Dane Cook
Steven Wright
Todd Barry
Ron White
Jeff Foxworthy
Mitch Fatel
Dave Attel
Lewis Black
Jim Gaffigan
Lisa Lampinelli
Robert Schimell

and a few others. I recommend XM Comedy.
I think Red Skelton was one of the funniest, nicest men who ever lived. "Two Thegulls"

After him, i like Robin Willianms best, then
Richard Pryor
Chris Rock
Larry TCG
Ron White
Jeff Foxworthy
Bill Cosby
Eddie Murphy
Sam Kinison
Denis Leary
Dave Chappelle
Chris Farley

Jerry Seinfield is a dork and can thank Larry David for success.
I could do without Larry the Cable guy as well.
Rodney Carrington Dave chappelle And ron white top my list im not stoppin till the sears tower is ron whites big @#$!% building classic

Bury me in the hills so i can fertilize the grass and grow bigger animals for the rest of ya
Another vote for Bill Cosby
The Smothers Brothers (Mom always liked you best)
George Carlin
Mark Lowery, Christian Comedian (Most MMers wont know who he is).

Its fair chase, or its foul!
Jim Norton

And I agree with Zigga........WHOA I cant belive I just said that!!!!!! but I recommend XM Comedy channel 150 to get a good dose of comedy!!!
I never got the whole Lenny Bruce thing, I didnt think that he was funny but he always shows up on lists like this.
Mine are, in no particular order:
Craig Gass
Sam Kinnison
George Carlin
Eddie Murphy
Dave Chapelle
Steven Wright
Joel Hodgeson (Mystery Science Theater 3000)
Richard Pryor
Bill Cosby

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Jerry Clowers
If you never heard him find a a tape or disc of the One about the one About "the dogs I have known"
I had a bunch of his stuff But loaned them out and now I have none, If any of you listen to his stuff you will agree he's the top.
Gator, I grew up listening to Jerry, or as my Dad pronounced it, "Jayree". So many cool stories about the Ledbetters and coon huntin'. My Dad and I listened to 4 hours worth of his stuff on our way hunting last year. My Dad got to have dinner with "Jayree" and his wife back in the 70's and said that there are few men on this earth as nice and genuine as him. His material is pretty dated and tame by today's standards but I still love it!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Your right it is tame but still gets the laughs. The dog stories and work stories they are timeless.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-08 AT 08:33PM (MST)[p]Bennet Brauer here.............


"That's right, Bennett Brauer back with another commentary. Thought you've seen the last of ol' Bennett, perhaps. Thought the network bigwigs would have sent Bennett and his negative "view rating" on a slow boat to shanghai.

Well, maybe I don't "look the part".

I'm not "felt".

I don't "look comfortable on camera".

I'm not "gabby".

I don't "understand what'd going on in the news".

I'm not "likable".

I don't "get along with people".

When I go to work, I don't "make eye contact".

I guess I don't "fit the mold".

I don't "wear the latest clothes" or even ones that don't "reek".

I don't "change my underwear".

I'm not "buff".

I don't have "firm breasts".

I don't "exercise".

And when I do sweat, I don't "shower".

I'm not "spick and span". I don't "clean the area between my crotch and legs".

But, for the time being, I guess the network "enforcers" are opting for my approach, until Joe Consumer tells them he'd rather get his 2 cents from commentators who don't "make babies cry" and don't "drink maple syrup straight from the bottle," and don't "leave old dried up deodorant cakes under their arms for weeks at a time,


And why are all the funniest ones dead?
Farley definitely gets my vote! Best physical comedy ever! Great sketch comedian.

Stand-up is a whole different art form - Seinfeld is great but dry and clever. Jeff Foxworthy is my favorite.

Bill Cosby is the best storyteller
and Richard Pryor and Rodney Dangerfield had the best stage acts.

Eddie Murphy's Delirous is a classic.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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