Fathers Day Fishing Trip


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-08 AT 03:02PM (MST)[p]My bro-in-law and I took our kids out of Port San Luis in California on Fathers Day. It was rougher than expected and we couldn't find the fish at first. By the time we did, a couple of kids were not feeling well. We ended up heading into the bay to troll for halibut. Over all, it was a good day. I hope you all had an enjoyable Fathers Day. Here are the pics.




waay good, wiz...looks like a boatful of fun...and,looks like you and your brother-in-law have your 'hands full'...thanks for the good pics..
Looks like fun! Glad you got to make the best of it.
Sometimes mother nature doesn't know it's supposed to be
a beautiful day to not ruin our plans! That kid with the mohawk
looks like TROUBLE! Chuck Liddell in training! LOL

Good fun. i sort of miss the fishing in the bays of south Cali but i'm glad to be out of there.

Great pics and nice halibut.
Hey Steve,

Glad you guy's had a good time... Rough or calm it's always a good day when you get out and catch a few fish.. I'm sure the kids had a good time. Thanks for sharing the pics


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