Father/Son Sheep Hunt.



Can't wait for the "Ellison Boys" to return from their NWT white sheep hunt. Rick better post pics and story's of both his and Spencer's Rams as soon as he gets home. Even before he unpacks!
I can't wait also. That was awesome Spencer was able to go. I am really looking forward to hearing the story of the hunt. Do you know when they are supposed to get back?
Awesome deal for sure. I heard they took a couple dandys!
I'm so happy for them. And can't wait to do the same with my daughter next year.

I think I remember they will be home this Saturday or Sunday but that's my memory for you.

Rack, I agree, we better see pix, hear stories BEFORE they unpack.

Heck yeh!

Rick is a dang good guy and Spencer loves his sheep huntin'!

I am sure they are having a great time and hunt--- no matter the harvest outcome.


Two sheep hunts in two years with your daughter holding both tags.......some guys have all the luck. Any more,I get more excited when the kids draw the tags than if I drew myself. Couldn't happen to a better guy....see you at the "Ellison Home"
Hey Rack,

Where the heck are those guys? I thought they would/should be home. I know they both got rams but I want the pix and stories!

I hope they have a group show and tell. It'll be too much fun!

They'll probably have the pix posted here before I get a call from them! Haha


I found out today that they will be home tomorrow the 17th. Heard both got good rams and both took a Caribou each, (with one of the bulls being a "GAGGER".) Can't wait!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-10 AT 10:55AM (MST)[p]I talked with Rick's wife and she did say they will land in SLC on 08/18 in the evening about 4:20. She said the Caribou Rick shot is currently the largest shot in the NWT this year. It is going to be hard living with these boys with the kind of hunt they have had. Congrats to them both. She also said that they have been done hunting since Saturday and just hanging around until they can fly out. Hopefully we will get a call for the unveiling party.
Thanks for the update ultra300......Good people deserve good fortunes.....And Rick and Spencer are great guys!
I got a peek at the photos of Rick's ram and both caribou.

FANTASTIC! Good for them.

Few people have worked as hard to prepare, in every aspect, for a hunt. Congratulations Rick and Spencer!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-10 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]I can't wait to see the pic's. I'm glad they decided to buy caribou tags. It's not every day you get up to NWT on a hunting trip. I'm sure they'll have some good stories to tell.
I am still sitting in the airport in Bismark N.D., waiting for the final leg of this amazing journe7y.
It is gratifying to know that so many of you care so much about how our hunt went. Suffice it to say that it was beyond even my wildest imaginations!
We tried to send some email pictures to some of you who we have personal email addresses for, but my server doesn't like to send big attachments, so it sounds like only a few got a few pictures. When we get back we will try to let you see the "spoils" of our hunt. Unfortunately when we split up, only Spence's guide had a camera with him, so we won't have pictures of his actual ram until the guide gets finished hunting in a month. Also, our Caribou antlers are tied up in an Edmonton warehouse until they can dry out and be shipped. We are trying to save the velvet, even though we won't be able to officially B and C score it that way. The guide velvet green scored him at 458 and Spence's is an impressive 380 bull. (Paul, I am also glad we picked up caribou tags)
For those of you who are close by, I invite you over to look at what pictures we have and some nice sheep horns. We probably won't be home until later tonight.
There are many stories to be told about this hunt, but the most important one is that I was able to share it with my son. It is also important to me that you know that Bruce Engelby gave this hunt to me by turning back his own ticket and drawing my name. For those of you who don't know, Bruce is battling cancer right now and seems to be winning the battle. But I hope you will all keep him in your prayers as he finishes up his treatments. What an amazing guy!
Anyway, I will get pictures up as soon as I am able, and in the mean time, know how much I appreciate all of you for your support and kind words.
Congrats to you and your son, Rick! Looking forward to the pics. Next year when you draw that desert, you'll almost have them all!

would love too see some pics.

the guys i just got back with both shot really nice Dall rams and great Caribou two.

Welcome to teh Half Curl Club !!

Congratulations! I am glad you had a good time. How cool that you were able to share that with your son.

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