Fat gal counterbalance


Long Time Member
Hunterharry posted a picture of plump gal that just about made us all wretch. i thought i'd post something on the opposite end of the spectrum to offset the weight. she's getting a tad bit thin but maintains the upper end nicely

Anorexia is a terrible thing! Even the nice rack doesn't help. Women are meant to have curves in more places!
Still much better than the fat post. Thank you Feleno for doing what you do best.
>I think you need a couple
>more F-dude,
>as this pict. illustrates.

The sad part is there used to be 6 girls in this picture, two of them were eaten, still under investigation.
Please tell me this is a joke. As for the initial post, I don't know which is nastier, overly fat, or overly bone,,,,,, just don't know.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-09 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-09 AT 06:43?PM (MST)

I will try to even this out. Hope this hit more neutral ground.

I know some of you like to bow hunt. So I will post this picture. She likes to bow hunt aswell.

I don't know.

That skinny chick is pretty nasty lookin'...I might have to go with the fat chick.

At least there would be food comin' into the house.....you might have to be quick to get your share,..... but that skinny gal don't appear to do much "groceries".

As for the bowhunter.....that would just kill an old guy like me! I couldn't keep her happy, so she would run off with Slamdunk and break my heart.

I would pay a couple hundred to spend an afternoon lickin' chocolate syrup off her.......kitchen counter.
Centerfire, go back to your files and retrieve this same "archer" as she was practicing her shooting skills but from the front view. These pictures were posted a while back on MM and I remember them well. Please find all of them and post so we can all enjoy great conformation form and style.
>Centerfire, go back to your files
>and retrieve this same "archer"
>as she was practicing her
>shooting skills but from the
>front view. These pictures were
>posted a while back on
>MM and I remember them
>well. Please find all of
>them and post so we
>can all enjoy great conformation
>form and style.

Okay here is one more.


You can hunt longer with the wind at your back!!
Centerfire, search again as there was a picture of the first girl shooting her bow but from the front view perspective. A great pic of "the world's best bow shot." I even remember the caption posted above her picture. Please take another look at your archives and post the pic that I am referring to. Please!
>Centerfire, search again as there was
>a picture of the first
>girl shooting her bow but
>from the front view perspective.
>A great pic of "the
>world's best bow shot." I
>even remember the caption posted
>above her picture. Please take
>another look at your archives
>and post the pic that
>I am referring to. Please!


You can hunt longer with the wind at your back!!
>for the love of god... centerfire,
>please post the pic mentioned.

I have a picture of her on a four wheeler. She thinks you guy's can't keep up.


Can you?

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