Fat Boy Challenge-Update



Hey just thought I would check in and see how everybody was doing on their physical fitness/tire reduction programs. I heard from a whole bunch of you saying that you would join me. I hope you have seen some progress.

I am doing pretty good. Since the original Fat Boy post I have been doing a lot of mountain hiking, partly due to a big boot evaluation that I am doing, but also because I really enjoy it. I am doing 6-8 miles at least every other day and sometimes every day. I am getting stronger, trimming down a little and feeling great. And that, much more than what the scale says, was my goal. So far, so good.

Hang in there, it is going to be a long summer and this is a big weekend so don't blow it.

Good luck and take care.

All the "fat boys" are gettin lean by now, i'm going the opposite way!!

I forgot how yummy cheese cake, hot apple pie, warm chocolate chip cookies and ice cream are!! :)

Doing good here. Slamdunk helped me clean up my diet and I'm feeling great. Lifting every morning before work and running a measured 4 mile run that has three BIG hills at least three times a week. And shooting the bow as much as I can every day.
I went to a 5k run last weekend and finished 8th overall out of 99 runners and won my age group. I hope to do some 10K's and try a half marathon before September gets here.
I drove to the Dairy Queen, but got out instead of using the drive thru :)

Seriously, a huge bunch of us at work are doing the same thing - with a $20 each buy in, and prizes at the end. If they would just finish the Id, Wy, and Az draws we would realy be pumped to shape up for whatever hunt we draw!!!!!!
Things are going pretty good for me as well. I have been able to extent the distance that I run per week from about nine miles to 12-16 miles depending on the week. I am felling much better. The wife and co-works are all meantioning that I look alot better and want to know how much weight I have lost. Unfurtunatly the scale does not reflect the same results. I have signed up for the 5K Fredom Fest run on July 4. This will be my first 5k race ever. My only goal that I have right now for the race is to NOT come in last place.

the lotoja is a real ass kicker, a guy from work does it, good luck!
I registered in that day at 250. I am sitting at 242 as we speak. There have been some ups and some downs but gradually going down about 1-2 lbs per week overall. I will generally drop 5-6 lbs throughout the week but weekends are tough and genearlly only end up losing 1-2 lbs from Monday to Monday! It's just a matter of self discipline.

My cardio is staying strong. I consistently exercise around 11 minute miles and broke 30 minutes for 3 miles (yes - I know I AM A SPEED DEMON!) last week - shattering my own previous personal best by 20 seconds. Got a big high five from my kids and a "great" from my wife who went back to folding clothes and cussing me out for having so much extra laundry from the sweaty workout clothes! LOL

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
As of March 1st, I was 328.

This morning I weighed 271. 57 pounds kicked, 50 more to go.

I lost 90 pounds in 04, but didn't have the discipline to keep it of.

Food is my "crack" so to speak, and thats a bad thing due to the fact I get fat watching people eat. Food is no longer a pleasure for me (except elk and deer steaks). Food is nothing more then a survival tool.

Lots and lots and lots of hiking the hills and beating the crap out of the treadmill, Hopefully I'll be down to 230 or even 220 by the time bow season gets here.

Thanks for checking on us and keeping us motivated.

Cameron Haines' book was my biggest motivation for getting back into shape.

Good luck,

As of April 1st 255

As of this Morning, 239

hopefully get down to 210 or 200 by bow season

every body sounds like there doing great keep it up
I'm down 19 lbs since you guys started this I'm feeling great! I quit eating until I was STUFFED at every meal, and quit eating after 6pm, and started running 30-40 minutes at least 3x a week and slowly but surely I'm getting in shape!
I didn't take the challenge because i had already committed to one on my own. I'm on Atkins and had lost 40 pounds in the first couple months. Then i hit a streach where even though i stayed with the program, my weight stabalized...for 4 months. I'm thinking that do to the winter, not much work, being home, eating bigger portions of the allotted foods, didn't help in losing but did allow me to stay the same at least.

Now, work has really picked up and i'm again losing, down 55 lbs total with 95 lbs more to go. I haven't had a cookie, ice cream, cake, sugar that i know of, or anything like that since before Thanksgiving. If i exercised more, along with the work, it would really come off. I know i'm not too old but i feel like i worked out so hard most all my life, just not into it anymore. Anyway, sure do feel better and am going to stick with it.

hope you all hit your goals, Joey
I'm down just a couple pounds so far. It's been a roller coaster ride the last few weeks. I got a little depressed and stopped excersizeing like I should, but now I'm back at it. I now will let you all know why and I hope this will make each one of you think about your own health.

On May 1st I had a biopsy done on my Prostate. I'm only 47 years old and most doctors tell us we don't need to start getting checked until we're 50. I've been getting an annual physical for the last 7 years because I'm a Scout Leader and the Boy Scouts require an annual physical for Leaders over the age of 40 and because I have an uncle who also has this cancer. Due to a significant rise in my PSA (prostate specific antigen) value, which is a simple blood test, I went in and had the biopsy done. The biopsy was positive for cancer. I'm telling you this so that you will think about yourself and even if you are in your 40's, tell your doctor you would like to find out what your PSA value is. It should be less than 1, if your under 50 and if it is, you can feel better about waiting for further checks when your older. If your over 50 and have not been checked get an appointment tomorrow, don't wait! I'm glad I've been getting checked, how far would this cancer of spread if I had waited until I was 50? Right now it is believed that the cancer is confined to my prostate. I have scheduled surgery to remove my prostate (this will affect my excersize program for a few weeks) at the end of June. Hopefully, I will be ready to go when my hunts start.

I'm speaking out on this because I want all my friends here at MM to know that I care about you as family. Prostate cancer is the #1 cancer killer of men in Utah (not sure about the surrounding states). It kills men because we think were tough and don't want to drop our pants. Go get the blood test first, we all can give a little blood for a good cause, especially for ourselves and our wives and childern. We all want to be out hunting with our family and friends for a long time. Don't let Prostate cancer shorten your life, like it will my uncle. He's only 72 years old and he won't live much longer. Here's to you uncle Phil, a picture of him and my nephew on a successful elk hunt in 2003 shortly after he was diagnossed with the cancer!


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